Mal vs Uma

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Uma growled and dashed to the Fairy Godmother. "Give it to me!" Uma shouted, reaching her hand out to Fairy Godmother.

"Guards! Seize her!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed. Uma dashed to the side of the boat. I followed her, hiking my skirt up.

"No! No!" Mal cried, rushing to stop the hoard of Auradonians from trying to perform a citizen's arrest. "Please, stop! Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me, because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something you really want." Uma glanced at Mal's outstretched hand before she turned, hoisting herself over the railing and into the water. I turned and watched as she disappeared into the saves.

"Ocean! Obey Uma!" I shouted down to the depths. Magic then rose from the depths, water swirling into a huge ball as something happened. The water burst and drenched everybody on the boat. And Uma, well, she was literally the size of her mother. Large and octopuss-y.

"True Love's kiss won't defeat this." Uma stated. "The world will know my name!" Uma then launched tentacles at the boat, barely missing people. She made sure to avoid me. I was grinning up at her. I heard a roar and my head whipped around to see purple smoke encasing Mal. A scowl crept onto my face as she transformed into a Dragon. Because of course, Mal can turn into a Dragon, is there something she can't do? Mal roared and took off. She flapped her wings to keep herself stationary near the boat. She shot fire from her mouth and directed it at Uma. She dodged it and then lashed a tentacle at Mal. She moved out of the way just in time.

"Come on Mal!" Uma shouted at her. "Let's finish this once and for all." Mal shot fire at Uma as she dove towards her. Mal continued to fly around the boat and dodged Uma's tentacles. The Dragon came to stop in front of Uma, flapping her wings to keep herself there. Mal shot another fireball at Uma but she ducked underwater to dodge it. Uma then sent a wave of water at the boat, making it tilt side to side.

"Malie!" Carlos shouted, "Tell the Ocean to stop!" I cackled.

"No way!" I laughed, "You all deserve this!" I heard a roar and I glanced over to see Ben taking off his crown and jacket before jumping in the water. He swam in between the Mal and Uma, looking between them.

"Mal! Uma! Stop! Back down!" Ben shouted. Uma laughed,

"What are you gonna do Ben? Splash me?"

"That's enough! It's got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fighting is gotta stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle." Ben held out a hand to her, "Help me make a difference." Uma lifted a tentacle out of the water and stretched it towards Ben. Mal growled as a warning. I watched as Uma placed something in Ben's hand. She gave a small half-smile before disappearing into the ocean. Mal landed on the boat again in a completely different outfit. I snarled, and Mal's eyes flicked to me.

"Everything is just handed to you on a silver platter, right Mal?" I growled, "It's all about you." I unzipped Uma's purse and pulled out Mal's Spell Book, "Your lucky I don't know Magic." I opened the book and everyone yelped, backing away from me. I ripped out half of the pages, then tore those into indescribable little pieces, flinging them off the side of the boat. I then threw the half-empty book onto the water-soaked deck. "Good luck trying to fit in without your Magic to help you." I turned to the side of the boat as the Ocean rose to me, "Take me to her." The Ocean wrapped itself around my legs and shot me away from the boat.

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