,a vampire⚕️

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Seokjin lifted hoseok from the ground and started walking back towards the university.

On his way to see things go downhill, seokJin met a distressed jimin, who begged him to help his brother.

Being the nice person seokjin thought he was he walked over toward where jimin had pointed.

Seokjin had stood and watched hoseok fight back against the vampire but when seokJin realized that hoseok had stopped moving he decided it was his turn to help.

Jimin ran towards seokJin when he saw his brother unconscious in the leader's arms.

"I'm so sorry hoseok I should have listened to you" jimin mumbled as he left a kiss on his brother's sweaty forehead.

" seems like he loves putting himself in your place," seokJin said once jimin had moved away.

Jimin looked hurt for a second, but it was the truth that hoseok had always been the one to get injured taking every hit for his little brother.

Seokjin looked at jimin and spoke "I will be taking hoseok to the midnight castle, you shall head back to yours, do not mention this incident"

Jimin nodded he didn't want to say or do anything else that could cause more harm to his brother, and so he followed seokJin until they were back on the university grounds.

Jimin stood as he watched seokjin walk away with an unconscious hoseok in his arms.

Taking a deep breath to keep tears at bay the boy turned toward his dorm.


Seokjin walked into the dormitory and a few eyes turned towards what he was holding.

"Mind your business" was all he said and everyone had gone back to what they were doing.

He walked up the stairs until he was in his room.

He placed hoseok on the bed and for a few moments seokJin just stared at the boy's face.

"You look quite innocent when you don't open your mouth" he whispered and moved to sit on hoseoks side.

Hoseok started shuddering as if he was cold, sweat started building up on his skin the boy's hand unconsciously went towards his neck he was about to scratch when seokJin took hold of his hand.

Hoseok forced his eyes open, the boy was panting for air.

When he found seokjin sitting in front of him he felt an anger bubble yet he couldn't move.

His body felt heavy, the boy heaved trying to get air into his lungs yet it seemed to be such a difficult thing to do.

Seokjin watched as hoseok placed a hand on his chest, the boy looked up at the leader and that was when seokJin sent a soft smile toward the red eyes.

Moving forward to be closer to hoseok, seokJin tilted his head, hoseok looked at seokjins neck and unconsciously licked his lips.

That was when he felt a sharp feeling.

Startling himself the boy moved backwards in a rapid manner hitting his head against the headboard.

"What" hoseok tried to speak but his throat was too dry, and it hurt when he used his vocal cords.

Instead of answering hoseok, seokJin just placed a finger on his neck and pushed his nail into the skin until blood came to the surface.

Hoseok swallowed as he watched seokjins neck bleed.

"Come" was all seokJin said as he opened his arms for hoseok.

Hoseoks mind was getting hazy, things seemed to be blurring.

And so hoseok moved forward, placing his hand on seokjins shoulder, the boy lowered until his nose came in contact with the blood.

Taking a quick intake of scent hoseok opened his mouth and latched onto seokjins bloody neck.

The leader wrapped his arms around hoseok, pulling the boy closer, nearly into his lap.

Hoseok let out a moan as he felt all the pain and soreness disappear from his body.

Pulling away hoseok took a moment to come back to reality.

Looking at seokjin, hoseok tried to speak but instead tasted blood on his tongue forgetting everything again the boy  swallowed it

Seokjin looked at hoseok as the boy wiped the trail of blood from his chin and licked it off of his finger.

Hoseok seemed to be back in his world, it seemed that the boy hadn't caught on that he was in the leader's room, the very leader he had hit with his dagger.

Hoseok looked up as he licked the remaining blood from his finger.

Still unable to utter a word hoseok just stared at seokJin with a bright red gaze.

Seokjin smiled but it wasn't his usual smile he was a bit confused, this becoming was way too easy. He was waiting for hoseok to throw a tantrum to the point he'd have seokJin under him drinking his blood until nothing was left.

But nothing of the sort happened.

Seokjin pointed at hoseok even though the leader found the action impolite, this reaction was acceptable.

Hoseok watched seokjin point a finger at him.

Tilting his head to the side confused by the leader's expression.

SeokJin finally spoke.

"This is not becoming," he said catching hoseoks attention.

"Rather an awakening" hoseok was sobering up from his trance as he listened to seokJin.

"You have always been one of us"

SeokJin sent a mocking smile toward hoseok.

"Hoseok, you are what you hate the most" seokJin let out a laugh as he got up from the bed.

"Hoseok, a vampire" and the leader busted into a laughing fit.


Hii guys ! How are you all?

What do you think of the story sp far hm? Let me know ! Love u all 💕❤️

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