Chapter Two

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"I like her, she is a good person and we have been talking for three months now", Jacks say to my Brother Luca.

I could feel my heart start to beat a little faster in my chest,He has been talking to a girl for three months? and he likes her? How come i did not know this? Is he going to ask her to be his girlfriend,? The jealousy that went through me in that moment made my heart ache badly , what did that mean for me?

I don't wait to hear them talk some more i would rather not hear too much so i knock on the door and open.
Jack is sitting on the arm chair looking good as always in his business suit i guess he did not go home first and Luca is behind his desk looking relaxed, as soon as i see Jack my heart beats happily as it always does when ever i see him, i feel happy when he is around so i go over his chair and i sit on the arm of the chair and i give him a side hug.

" why are you back in town early?, i ask him with a small smile on my face.
"My meeting was brief, my assistant will finish up i had to come back early for something i have going on tonight". As he says this he looks at Luca and they share a knowing look between themselves.
" okay, as long as you promise me you are very much free tomorrow i have stuff planned for us for your birthday," i say.

And he nods at me.
"afternoon to you too my dearest sister" Luca says sarcastically.
"Oh shut up Luca i saw you this morning", i smile at him.
"Where is Claire ? He asks which surprises me because they basically ignore each other most of these days.
" You have her number don't you? How about you ask her yourself", i smirk and reply to him.

Then i look back at Jack "whats tonight"? It sound important? I ask him, he looks at me but avoids my eyes and says " nothing bad".

But i know he is not telling me something but i let it go and excuse myself i have a birthday to plan anyway so i go back home and Sam helps me with wrapping the gifts and we watch some movies and then we also help mom cook dinner for the family, we always eat together and i love cooking most times.

And with Luca still being a bachelor he always just comes over for dinner and we all eat together.
and speaking of the devil he actually shows up after we are done making the delicious food and Jack is not with him that means he went to where ever he was planning on going tonight, i am so curious and with the conversation I overheard them having i had a bad feeling about it am sure as hell not going to like it .
After Dinner we always chat a little on the dining table and then pray before everybody gets off the table to go to bed or wherever,
it has always been a family tradition which always makes me think of the future on how I should also get a person who will be this close to me do everything with me, of course if i had it my way i already know the perfect man to do that with .

I go to bed with questions in my head about what ever Jack was doing tonight that he couldn't say, i could check his location cause we always have each others but its creepy and i need to give the guy a break when he wants to talk he knows where i am.

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