twenty-one | mom

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It's the first actual warm day of the year. I'm officially out of my splint, and only in a brace.

It's been three days since I last saw Lucas, and I intend to keep it that way.

After the other night, he knows something is up with Gabe and me, and I have a feeling he won't quit digging until his shovel hits the coffin.

"Classes are good though?" Mom asks as I fold my laundry that morning.

"Yeah. We get to treat baby goats tomorrow." I say with a giddy smile. "I'm excited."

"That sounds great, sweetie." Even over the phone, she sounds distant.

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Don't you worry about me." She chuckles.

"You can tell me. You know."

Mom sighs. "It's just your grandma. You know how she can be."

"Mentally draining?"

Mom chuckles again. "That's one way to put it." I hear rustling on the other end. "She's been over at the house every day this week. I need a break. And she got a dog."

"A dog?" I ask, surprised. "She hasn't had a dog in twenty years."

"Well, that wasn't because of her not wanting one. Bob never liked animals."

I release a breath. "I don't understand how people don't like animals. They're amazing."

"Some people just beg to differ."

"I'm convinced those people are lunatics."

"Oh, hush." She laughs gently. "How's Gabe? Lou?"

I wince at his name. "They're fine," I say, folding a t-shirt. "Lou's dad is coming to visit in a few weeks."

"Oh, that'll be fun. I like Mr.Milano."

"He's great." I smile. "He's gonna make us dinner while he's here."

"Yummy." She hums. "How are you? You doing okay?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"That didn't sound too convincing."

I feel myself choke up. "I just miss you guys."

"Oh, sweetie." Mom's voice is filled with concern before she releases a heavy breath. "I'm gonna come down there."

"What? Mom, no. You don't have to waste the money."

"No, no." She insists. "You're my baby girl, and you need me right now. I'm coming."

I nod to myself as tears stream down my cheeks. "Okay."

When Mom gets off the phone, I leave the rest of the clothes in the basket and lie on my side. On the bed beside me, my phone lights up with messages, but I just silence it.

The top drawer to my nightstand is party open, so I go to close it when something moves around.

I don't keep much in the top drawer because it's so small. Maybe a few backup highlighters and a phone charger, but that's usually it. So I'm taken by surprise when I open it up to find two Polaroid pictures.

The first one is a picture of Lucas holding me against him while I'm asleep. He's got a sleepy grin on his face and his hair is a mess. The words written on it make me smile. Gorgeous girl -Luc

The second picture is from our date night, he must've taken a picture of the back of my hair when I wasn't paying attention. #Francois'sMagicalCurler -Luc

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