chapter 10

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it had been two days since cynthia's parents dropped her off at her grandmothers. her and cassandra had hung out non stop and had gotten close again, and so far cynthia had avoided her grandmothers judgmental talk about her 'running away' situation.

her grandmother seemed to be giving her some what of a break, with out having to hear a lecture from every person cynthia talked to. but, she still made sure to keep the teen busy. her grandmother had held onto cynthia's phone majority of the time she spent there. she told her to spend time around the house, instead of hanging out in the room she had there.

cynthia wasn't having the best time, she thought that she was going to be able to spend her time at her grandmothers talking to darrian, who she missed very much.

but she hadn't been able to speak to him much, and it was making her go crazy.

she sat next to her grandmother on the living room couch, her arms crossed as she stared at the television while her grandmother talked to her about many things. her grandmother got off topic quickly, so cynthia didn't actually know what she was telling her.

there was a knock on the front door, before it opened and in came three teenagers. cassandra, cassandra's brother, kylo, and what cynthia guessed to be kylos friend.

as the three walked in the house, cass and kylo greeted to woman next to cynthia while the other boy stopped and looked at cynthia.

as the two made eye contact, cynthia looked over his appearance before slowly looking away as she began to feel weird, as the two were just looking at each other.

the boy was tall, he had dreads that stopped right past his eyebrows, he had a tattoo on the side of his neck. the boy was attractive, but no more attractive than darrian. he didn't seem to be as tall as darrian, he didn't have the same curly hair, or the nice eyebrows and eyes.

cynthia furrowed her eyebrows as she thought all of that to herself, finding it weird how she was comparing every single thing about the boy she hadn't even really met yet, to the boy she liked.

cynthia was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a hand grip onto her arm. she moved her eyes back to in front of her, to see kylo pulling her up off of the couch. "yo, cynthia!" he smiled, wrapping an arm around the girl.

"hi, ky." cynthia smiled back, chuckling to her self.

cynthia wasn't ever very close with kylo, like she was with cassandra. the boy had always been very loud, even as a child. and when cynthia was younger, she hated his constant screaming about everything, so she never hung around him too long.

kylo asked cynthia how she had been, made a little small talk before turning her towards his friend who stood awkwardly in front of them. "this is vin."

cynthia slowly raised her hand, sending the boy a wave. she watched as the boys eyebrows raised, a small smirk appearing on his face as he nodded his head in a 'hey.' gesture. "this my cousin, cynthia." kylo introduced.

calvin stared at cynthia, his eyes never really leaving her. the boy thought the girl was beautiful. cassandra had talked about the girl, and made calvin very interested in her. he liked her light-ish brown, curly hair, how she was naturally beautiful, the fact that she was a little shorter than him.

cassandra rolled her eyes at the boy, noticing the way he stared at her. calvin and kylo had been best friends for years now, cassandra knew the boy pretty well. and, she could tell when he was interested in a girl.

cass wrapped her arm around cynthia, pulling her away from kylo and slowly walking away. she made sure to tell their grandmother that they were just going to guest room, where cynthia was staying in.

cynthia laid on her bed with a sigh, cassandra plopping down next to her as she turned and looked at her. "what do you think of calvin?"

cynthia furrowed her eyebrows, "um.. he seems nice?"

cass laughed, "no. do you think he's cute?"

cynthia titled her head a bit, humming. "he's.. yeah, he's okay."

cassandra nodded, going to open her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by cynthia. "but i like someone, so it doesn't really matter."

cass stopped herself from continuing on, saying what she was going to say. "oh, yeah! i never got to see what your boyfriend looked like."

cassandra knew her grandmother had cynthia's phone, so she pulled out hers and handed it to cynthia. "show me."

cynthia went to instagram, typing in his username before handing cassandra her phone back. she watched as cassandra face scrunched, making cynthia go confused. there was no way cassandra found the boy ugly.

"what the fuck?" cass spoke, turning her head to cynthia. "you date gang bangers now?"

cassandra let out a loud laugh. it wasn't that funny, but it shocked her. the cynthia she used to be close with would have never gotten with a gang banger. she now wondered what kind of things cynthia had been around, and if the boy had put her in any danger. she obviously knew of her little running away situation, and wondered what kind of boy he really was.

cynthia rolled her eyes, laughing at her cousin. "i don't look at him like that." she shrugged.

cassandra didn't want to seem judgmental, so she wasn't going to ask the many questions she wanted to ask her cousin. she hoped the boy kept cynthia away from danger, and that he would just be a good person to her.

"mm, he's okay." she shrugged, scrolling down through his posts before stopping when she saw a picture of him with two other boys. cynthia watched as she zoomed into notti, making her smirk.

"who's that?" cass asked.

"notti." cynthia answered, making cassandra roll her eyes. "what's their real names?"

cynthia pointed at each boy, "darrian, david and ethan."

as cassandra looked at the photo, clicking on nottis mention and scrolling through his account, cynthia wanted with a smile. it was obvious cassandra was growing to have a crush on cynthia's friend, and cynthia was going to make sure to tell notti next time she saw him.



hey y'all i decided to update for y'all 🙄
pls go read my new book tho, it's flopping and i wanna cry
it'll get better, trust 🙏 it's just the first few chapters

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