What If Pt84

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What If you were a boy? (this is far all the people that must be waiting for it but I don't think they asked)

You know the classic thing happens, dio gets a woman pregnant but he never finds out until the baby is born.

Like any other time vanilla ice told him, dio went there and found you swaddled with some blankets, he picked you up and looked at you.

"why must you look like him?" dio asked but you didn't answer because you can't talk yet.

He took you away and told the others to dispose of your mother's body, when he went to his room he uncovered the blanket to see what gender you are, when you were fully uncovered you he sighed.

"great, this adds to my torture, I have a son that looks like him" dio said

Nonetheless dio didn't mistreat you, he treated you like any parent would treat their child.

"okay, let's change your diaper mister" dio said and he took your onesie off and then your diaper, and then you were like 'SURPRISE BITCH!!!' and you pissed and it went everywhere, after you were done you smiled and Dio was angry and disgusted but he just took a deep breath and let it go, he then picked you up to give you a bath.

"never ever piss on your father again, okay?" dio asked and you just smiled while enjoying your bath.

We can't forget Jonathan as well right? He was again the one that notified the others and he was once more thrilled to find out he had a son, after you were born he also found out his bloodline continued and he was very happy.

As an infant you were a bit of trouble but also calm... But as a toddler you were the devil himself! You were running around all day, and terrorizing people, dio tried to make you stop but you weren't going to stop so Jonathan stepped up!

Dio knew about Jonathan and just let him do what he had to do, he hoped that it would work... Which it did.

The next day he wasn't woken up by you running around, he went downstairs and saw you eating breakfast happily like always, but silently.

"what the hell did he do that made him stop acting like he's possessed?" dio asked himself

He waited for a while to see if you'll break the rules again but to his surprise you didn't, he asked Jonathan what he did but Jonathan didn't tell him.

Dio waited once more as you grew up to break character but you didn't! So he gave up.

One night dio got you in a safe place and told you to wait there and then left. You were confused and Jonathan wasn't there so you decided to take matters into your own hands, you had a feeling dio was in danger so you were going to be prepared, you took a rubber band and some pieces of the broken wall and left.

You sneaked to were your father was and looked at him talking with some people, you took a piece of debris and put it on the rubber band, you targeted the wall between them and let it go, it hit the wall and got their attention, you revealed yourself and got prepared to hit anyone you had to hit.

"what's with the kid?" Polnareff asked

"go back to your room" dio said

"no, I'm here to fight as well" you said

"this is not your fight young man, go to your room" dio said, so you got angry and shoot him with the debri, dio got angry and went to take the debri and rubber band from your hands but you run around while he chased you. The others were very confused at what was going on.

At some point Joseph got you and you tried to leave but he had a strong grip.

"who is this little guy?" Joseph asked as he looked at you, he then saw a resemblance between you and Jonathan, now he knows the answer.

"I see... He's your child" Joseph said

"whoever dares to invade my home I'll bring them down with my weapon!" you said as Joseph let you down

"give me the rubber band and the debris now" dio said

"no, this is my trustworthy weapon, I need to keep it with me" you said and Dio sighed

"is that your son?" Joseph asked

"yes, is there a problem?" dio asked

"no, not at all" Joseph said and then he turned to you

"hey there, what do you want to be when you'll grow up?" Joseph asked

"I want to explore the jungles!! I also want to be an archeologist! I like digging and finding stuff" you said

"oh, just like my grandfather! He was an archeologist, but he sadly didn't have the chance to work as one" Joseph said

"are you done talking old fart?!?" dio yelled and you shoot him with debri

"that's not nice!" you said and he rolled his eyes.

You talked with Joseph about archeology while the others spoke with dio and basically forced him so send someone to heal his mom.

You and Joseph spoke for hours about archeology and airplanes and other stuff, the others were wondering how long you two would keep talking about that?

Well from 8pm it went to 5am,you didn't sleep at all.

"gramps, let's go" Jotaro said and Joseph looked at him

"huh? Oh yeah I forgot, we should have a talk with dio" Joseph said

"I already did that gramps! He already send someone to heal mom and mom now is fine" Jotaro said

"really!!?!?" Joseph asked and Jotaro rolled his eyes and nodded.

After a while they left and Joseph promised you a future place in the speedwagon foundation archeology department, and that got you very happy!

"I already found a job!! I'm going to be an archeologist like my friend!!" you said and Dio nodded

You were being so similar to Jonathan that it was killing him, he even got you to either let your hair grow or cut it very short so you wouldn't look like Jonathan.

Well you weren't dumb and you saw the obvious resemblance so you did what everyone would do.

"dad... Is Jonathan my father?" you asked and Dio choked on his spit

"why do you think of that?" dio asked

"come on, there's some obvious resemblance, the hair, most of facial features" you said as you pocked at your food.

Dio thought about telling you the truth, I mean now you were 13 years old so you got to know right? So he told you... Every single detail and the fact that he's a vampire. At the end of it you were shocked!! Your mouth was hanging to the floor and so was Jonathan's, he didn't know that dio would tell you everything.

"are you sure you didn't hit your head and dreamed of that?" you asked dio

"this all happened" dio said, you looked at Jonathan and he nodded

"so you want to tell me you're a murderer and a vampire too?!?" you asked and he nodded

"I'll need some time to think about it" you said and got up and left to your room.

You were thinking for days and you couldn't believe it, then Jotaro called you and asked for help in morioh and you went, you told dio that it would help you clear your mind.

So you went there, while being there you either fought or thought of what you would do, are you going to hate him or not?

When the fight was over you returned, dio was glad that you returned but he was shocked to see you injured, you had a huge scar that started from your eye and went to your neck, luckily you didn't lose your eyesight

"what happened to you?" he asked

"that happened during a fight.... It couldn't really get healed so it's permanent" you said

After that talk you both stayed silent, but soon you spoke, you told dio that you don't really hate him, but that doesn't mean you'll forgive him for what he did, he didn't mind it, he was glad you didn't hate him.

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