2 Hours

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Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang... Arthur started hitting against the door with stuff. Koi started singing Bang Bang by Ariana Grande. bang bang "into the room, I know you want it." bang bang "all over youuuu, I'll let you have it" "why did you come back?" I interrupt his singing. "and you are so different now from how I can remember." I ask him. "O my god you are there, I didn't notice you, sorry,  yea, mmm, how should I phrase this, Koi committed suicide a view hours ago, I believe, I am the new inner Omega for youuuu" he sings, I stare into the air "what" i whisper very silent. "Ok this is now probably sounds like extremely crazy. But I don't know when or why exactly, but if the inner Omega gives completely up, they die. Sooo, your lovely omega gave up, and I got assigned for your beautiful body, he is now chilling with the gods in heaven probably and I still have to fulfill my meaning in life." silence. band bang. "soooo, you are here because Koi is dead." I ask back, now feeling very sad. "well, koi isn't dead, as in dead, he is in a better place were his trauma gets healed, and then he comes back, to guide a new omega through life. Also, that he gave up has nothing to do with you, like at all. Fun fact, I also got all of his memories, so I know what naughty things you like to do at night, when no one is watching." he chuckles. "but why you?" I ask. "fun story actually, I had this omega, Toni, such a fun guy, parties and shit all the time, and I told him eyo, this guy ur dating, not it. And he was like, nooooo he so sexy, and you don't know him really. So yea, I literally just got stabbed in a side street, somewhere in Chicago, so if im a little funky, u know why." I nod slowly. "do you have a name?" I ask curiously. "you can continue calling me Koi if you want to, I don't mind." bang bang. 

We talk for a wile, mainly trash talking the guy outside. I learned a lot about my new Koi. He is very loyal and values ME as his first priority, and not some boyfriend or alpha. His past omega died at the age of 17, so he is a tiny bit older than me. He knows about my past relationship, and is ready to get to know me better. I feel bad for feeling that way, but in this moment Koi is the best thing that could have happened to me. I am not sure if I would have left this cabinet if he wasn't there. I am relieved. I feel this inner peace. This feeling of relief that I am not alone anymore. It makes me so happy I feel like crying. But enough tears. 

The Pilot announcing the landing, my reason to get up. I listen closely. I hear Arthur leave, once I can't hear him anymore, I open the door and go to economy. I search for the seat furthest back and sit down. I feel so save. I am excited, and relieved to be save soon. The seat is furthest from Arthur away as possible. I exhale in peace and close my eyes. soon. 


wooooo this is nice, you have a person that drives you? Koi looks around in the chauffeur's car. o my god they have drinks, do you drink alcohol, alcohol is bad, don't drink alcohol, actually once in a while is fine. he checks out the Campania. What the fuck is this? pleeeeease. Actually, are you loaded, o my god you are loaded! I should have known it, completely empty plain, expensive watch, trying to dress normal wayyy to hard. You have money! I laugh a bit. Wait until we arrive in the villa. I smile, Koi can't stay still. He just looks around, amazed by what I considered as normal my entire life.

The chauffeur carries all my bags into the villa and leaves me then alone. woooooaaaaa. is the only thing I can hear. The villa consists of two floors, bottom is just massive living room and kitchen. top is with the bedrooms. No fucking way, I am so fucking lucky, we are so lucky o myyy gooooood. I can not believe this, we will never have problems, how can I have not heard from you, how can you have so much money and not be famous? he asks while I go up the stairs slowly to the bed. It is pitch black outside and I am tired. You might know my mom if you are extremely interested in military and stuff I guess, like weapons and also government. I don't know she works somewhere in that area with the government. I try to explain my moms job. mmmmmm, nice. I open the door to the bedroom that I claimed before my moms birthday. I fall onto the bed, pull my pants down and take my shirt off. then I close my eyes. good night Koi. good night mmm. Elliot. but I get called literally everything.


I slept a solid 9 hours. Koi is awake already and immediately demands breakfast the second I open my eyes. You are not a big sleeper, are you? I ask out of curiosity. Let's just say, I sometimes like to watch people sleep, and I might have taken over and explored this house in the night so yea mm sorry for that. I smile. Sleepwalking is a common thing for omegas, since many inner omegas are obsessed with the idea of exploring things. So what he did is not unusual behavior. My friend has sometimes really bad nights were his inner omegas walks half marathons through his room, so he is tired the entire day, but as long as it doesn't get out of hand, I don't mind.

I went downstairs, just to find my private chef already working. She is nice, and makes me French toast and a big smoothie. This is exactly what I wanted. I go outside after I finished the food, put on my headphones and my favorite playlist. I'll show you around the island. I encourage Koi who is still unfamiliar with this place. This is were we spend easter.

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