Chapter 15

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The fact that he was back where he'd grown up hit Kaleth only after they climbed out of the metal tunnel and into the mansion's basement

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The fact that he was back where he'd grown up hit Kaleth only after they climbed out of the metal tunnel and into the mansion's basement. The place might have looked a bit different on the outside than he remembered, but inside it was exactly the same, and it was making him feel some kind of strange mix of anger and nostalgia. He already needed a drink, and he hadn't even talked to his father yet.

Kaleth was grateful no one questioned why there were so many things in the basement, or what those things were. He didn't stop to check, but he was sure he'd find something of his around here—the whole purpose of the room was to store things deemed useless and unwanted, after all. His father just didn't know how to throw anything away.

"So, what now?" Alor asked as they walked into the main corridor. The floors were made of wood now, not marble like he remembered, but all the paintings on the walls and the shelves with fake flowers on them were still the same.

"I need to talk to my father," Kaleth said, not bothering to hide the resentment in his voice. "And it would probably be best if he didn't know you are here as well. He doesn't react well to surprises."

"You want us to hide somewhere?" Kara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Kaleth replied. "The west wing should be closed off. I highly doubt you'll run into anyone there."

He was glad no one argued with him. To be honest, Kaleth had been expecting them to just stop listening to him since the moment Luxarx had been destroyed because with their organization destroyed, he didn't have the authority to give orders anymore. Maybe they trusted his judgment more than he had thought they did and believed he'd figure out what they were going to do.

Noticing that Mel had raised his hand shyly, Kaleth was brought out of his thoughts, his pensive frown replaced by a small smile for a second before he managed to hide it.

"Yes, Mel?"

"Uh, well, I was thinking maybe I could try to help you convince Mr. Garen to let us stay here. Because I'm, um, I can tell what people think and...." He trailed off, looking very self-conscious as he lowered his gaze. "N-nevermind, it's a bad idea."

"No, no, that's not a bad idea," Kaleth said quickly, trying to assure Mel. Besides, he might be onto something. Since the moment Relioth had told him the truth, or some of it at least, Kaleth had been questioning if his father was actually his father. He was sure he was—the memories Kaleth had were just too real to be fake. And if he really was, he might know why Kaleth had these powers. He might even be somehow connected to the Eternals. If so, maybe he could use it to manipulate him. Mel would also be able to tell if Kaleth's father was lying or not, which would certainly help. "I will need your help, I think. I could never tell when Father lied."

Mel gave him a pitying look and nodded. Kaleth didn't like how that made him feel.

"Great, so, you go find your dad, we'll go hang out somewhere," Rayni said, giving him a thumbs up. Kaleth nodded, turning around to leave before anyone else could say anything and stop him. It seemed it was time to talk to the man he'd spent half his life avoiding.

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