Chapter 14 "Jealous"

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I stood in front of Raven's medical bed with my arm cannon pointed at Beast Boy or the beast.

I assumed it was the latter due to the fact that his body was rapidly changing. His eyes spread to completely black and his claws slowly grew longer.

His fur grew slowly long and mangled. His long teeth slipped between his rough lips.

He smiled sadistically at me and I kept my distance.

"So your Garfield's best friend.." He said Best friend as If it were poison in his mouth.

"Yeah.." Cyborg replied.

He growled and bared his teeth "Than why are you touching our Raven"

His voice was bitter.

"Look all I did was touch her-" I was slowly reaching over towards her shoulder.

He growled angrily "Don't touch her!"


I nervously looked between the two best friends and the beast looked beyond pissed. But something in cyborg's eyes kept me overly nervous.

"Hey Rae want to see how pissed he can get?" He smiled back at me with a smirk.

I shook my head "Cyborg.." I gave my warning tone. We want to calm him down, not rile him up.

But it seemed as if Cyborg wasn't going to listen, I heard his chuckle.

"Yo Beast, watch this" The beast kept his full attention on cyborg with warning growls vibrating from the creatures throat.

I gave Cyborg a questioning gaze until I felt him roughly grab my chin and smash his lips to mine.

The kiss felt cold from half of his face being made of metal and the other half was slightly warm. His lips were rough and foreign.

The thought of Cyborg kissing me felt strange and I didn't like it. I pushed on his chest and I heard loud growling coming from in front of us. Cyborg laughed as the Beast's face twisted into something between enraged and a sadistic murderer.

"I will kill you"

Cyborg laughed and raised his eyebrows "Than come on"

The Beast lunged at Cyborg and they fell to the floor, actually they fell through the floor. I pushed my self up on the bed and slowly placed my caste on the floor.

I grunted as it landed with a thud.

I tried to levitate but I couldn't concentrate, I hadn't meditated and I was a nervous wreck.

So I did the only thing that came to mind "Robin!"

I screamed his name as I leaned against the bed.

Robin ran in along with starfire who looked immediately at the gaping holr in the floor.

"Cyborg instigated with the Beast and they fell through the hole" Robin jumped down the hole and Starfire was about to when I grabbed her arm.

"You need to calm him down, the longer the beast is in control the faster Beast Boy will lose himself"

She nodded and flew in after our leader. I sat on the bed, resting my leg and putting my head in my hands.

The beast's curse. (Beast boy x Raven)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora