The beginning

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  Present day

           16/5/2023, 4:30pm ....the howling wind of the chilly weather breeze across the penthouse,the rose smell of fresh folded clothes placed on the white soft duvet of the young invidual taking half of the space on the california round shaped bed

Feeling bored after finishing folding her newly laundry clothes,she picks up the tv remote that was set on her bedsite along with her little gummy snacks that she wish to eat earlier on turning on the tv she scrolls through the youtube algorithm

After a decent amount of scrolling she came across a documentary regarding a leper king who counter a great war in the 11th century

Curiosity sparks in the young woman's mind as she watch the 5 second trailer before fully clicking on it

History documentaries wasn't really her to go videos but something about the title and information in the video brings a familiarity in her mind

'Interesting...' she thought as she was halfway into finishing the video passing through the introduction,relatives and the great war of the leper king

Only a minute before the video ends her eyes started feeling heavy like an anvil was placed on her eyelids forcing her eyes to shut

Sighing she closed the tv and thought for a moment,"A little nap wouldn't hurt.." as she settles on her bed getting comfortable she slowly closed her eyes drifting off to dream land


Then again


D E S T I N Y | King Baldwin ivDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora