Chapter 35. Mama's here to protect you

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Aiden had locked herself up in her room since last night's dinner. She wasn't even letting Ruby in to sleep, she had also created another fuss while eating dinner. At first, she didn't want to eat, so we had to force her out of her room, and after that, she was adamant that she could eat herself and doesn't need anyone's help and ended up spilling the food on her clothes and spoilt her face with it.

Yet she didn't allow us to help, she said that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and she went to her room and didn't come out after that. We had knocked multiple times but she would just ask us to leave or ignore us. Now Ruby has gone to ask her to open up so she can take her clothes from the closet. Let's wait and see how that works.

"God! What has gotten into her?" Ruby expressed as she entered my room with clothes in her hand. "She opened?" I asked and she nodded in response. "After lots of begging," I rubbed my forehead and stood up. "Finally! I will go and shower her,"

I went to her room and saw her scowling in the bed. I went to grab a towel for her and asked. "How long is this sulking going to end?" She looked up at me and deepened her scowl.

I took her hand and said. "Come on, let's take a shower," She yanked her hand away and pulled the towel from my hand. "I can do it myself,"

"Can you?" She nodded her head. "I could shower by myself when you weren't there, I can do it now as well," I shut my eyes and refused to argue with her. I stepped away and let her get into the washroom. "Let me know if you need anything," I said.

"I won't," When she went in and as soon as I sat on the bed, I heard. "Where's Aiden?" I turned around and saw Ruby. "In the shower," I said and left her to understand the rest without any further explanation. "Got it, she thinks she is capable of taking a shower by herself?"

"I was here to get her clothed but, I guess she won't let me," She seated beside me. "I don't understand why is she still sore about that sleep thing," She shrugged and said "Well, I think, she is more upset about the way you scolded her,"

"It wasn't even that harsh," I defended myself. Before we could continue our conversation, Aiden came out of the washroom in a bathrobe. "You are done already?" I asked. She didn't bother to respond. "Not even 5 minutes have passed,"

I went to her and saw her brushing her hair. Ruby tsked. "Sweetie, you didn't rinse shampoo and soap properly, it is all over you," She snapped her head toward us and snarled. "So? It is none of your business!"

"Hey! How many times would I have to tell you that you can't talk to your mommy like that," I sternly stated. "I wasn't even talking to you, stop interfering," She asked her voice timider than before.

I looked at Ruby and raised my eyebrow. "You are going to let her talk to you like that?" She frowned and said "She will cry again,"

"I don't cry," Aiden whined. I patted her cheek and said "Yes, baby you don't, now get into the shower, let me clean you properly,"

"No! I have cleaned already," She groaned. I rubbed her cheek and said softly. "Please, don't make this hard for me and for yourself," She pushed me away and got into the shower without a tantrum. "I'll go and..." I said and went inside.

She was sitting down with her head in between her legs. "Hey, pup, what's wrong?" I cooed as I knelt. She whimpered. "Hey..." I tried to lift her face. She shook her head and hugged herself tighter.

"Babygirl, can you just look at me?" She shook her head and a sob left her mouth. I dragged her closer and pulled her face into my arm. I kissed her head and started rubbing her back softly to calm her down.

"I-there's...this mon-monst...Ange...and-" She tried to speak but kept hitching. I lifted her face and wiped her tears away. "It's alright, shh," I removed her robe and said "First, we will get our baby all cleaned up then we will get her into some pretty, pretty clothes, then you'll talk," 

I set the robe aside and made her stand. She clenched onto me and whined. "Honey, you need to get this soap of your selves," I whined and clenched tighter.

"You're a good baby, hmm?" She let go of me with hesitation. I grabbed the soap and cleaned her body and got into cleaning her hair. Good thing, she has short hair so I will get done quickly with it as well.

I looked at the freshly appeared dark circles under her eyes, sleepy face, and asked "Did you not sleep well last night?" She nodded and bit her nails. I pulled her hands down and said "All done," I turned on the water and rinsed off the soap and shampoo.

I took her out and handed her to Ruby. "I'll get some clothes for her," Ruby wrapped her in a towel and laid her in her lap. "What does puppy want to eat, I will go and personally cook it for you," Ruby said and Aiden shook her head.

"Aww, why? I can get you juice if you want," Aiden groaned and shook her head. "Okay, okay, no breakfast," I brought the clothes for her and put them down on the bed. Ruby took the edge of the towel to remove it but Aiden gripped."You don't like the clothes?"

Aiden just nuzzled into her neck. Ruby patted her back and said. "Do you want to wear them later?" Aiden nodded slowly. Aiden remained in Ruby's neck for barely two minutes and fell asleep.

"She is sleeping, should I wake her up?" Ruby whispered. "No, let her be, she is a little disturbed," Ruby waited for further explanation.

"She was sobbing in the shower, she tried to explain but was crying too hard for me to understand," Ruby looked at Aiden with a frown and said. "It's like nature has made it forbidden for her to live peacefully, she always has to deal with some crap," She hugged her tightly. "She is just a poor baby,"

I hummed and said "Lay her down so she can be more comfortable," She did and covered her the comforters. I went to turn off the lights and sat back on the bed. Ruby was massaging Aiden's scalp and patting her slowly and softly.

It didn't long for Aiden to start shifting uncomfortably. We both did are best to get her comfortable but she just grew more and more uneasy, groaning and whining before bursting into tears and waking up completely.

Ruby pulled her in and started shushing her but it worked to no avail. "Rol' nu sweep," I wiped her tears away and said "Yes, yes, baby no sleep, just don't cry, shh," I hugged her from behind.

"Mommy's right here," Ruby whispered into her ears, caressing her head. I pulled away and turned her so she could face me. "Shh, no more crying," I held her hands as She rested her back against Ruby who had her arm wrapped around her.

"Tell us, what's wrong," Ruby said. Fresh tears fell onto her cheeks as she let out "s-care...."

"Of what?" Ruby asked. "Da..Mon'ta," Oh, so this has been bothering her. "She has been having nightmares, I suppose," I informed.

I cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes. "Pup, you're such a strong girl, no monster can hurt you," She shook her head stubbornly and hid her face in her hands. "don' an-stan'" She sobbed.

"we do, we understand, baby, if the monster comes, we will throw it away from you," I console her. "Yes, you go to sleep, we will guard you," Ruby added.

She jerked her head up and cried out. "no!" She kicked her legs. "s'eep!" She tried to push herself out of Ruby's lap but failed as Ruby had secured her arm around her waist.

"Aiden, Aiden," I held by the arms to hold her in place. "shh, listen, shh," I stepped up and hugged her. "You're fine," I whispered as Ruby rubbed her back. "you're okay, you're safe" That seems to calm her down from her fit.

She let herself into my embrace and mewled. "shh, you're safe, mama's here to protect you,"

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