Chapter 11

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~~~~Warning! there is some sexual content or rather there is suggestions of rape/torture nothing is written in detail however the suggestion is there. if you have problems with that kind of thing i would advise against reading the later half of this chapter~~~~

Katelyn’s POV

Katelyn went up to her room. The date with Mark was awesome! She couldn’t believe how romantic he could be. She looked down at her dress, and this baby had worked perfectly. She smiled and went to her desk. She wanted to write in her journal and describe their date so that maybe one day she could share her life and experiences with her children. She opened the journal sitting on top of her desk and noticed an envelope that had been placed inside. She opened it.

Hello Katelyn,

You may be wondering who I am and why I am writing to you. Well the first you will find out soon enough. The second is that I have someone you may want. She said her name is Carol and I believe that she is a friend of yours. If you want her back in one piece and not a lot of pieces I suggest you go to the edge of your border on the south side (not the border between the midnight and star pack). I also suggest you hurry as I have never been known as a patient man.

Carol?? Carol?? She called out in mind link. She got no response and she couldn’t sense Carol anywhere in the area. Even when sleeping an alpha can sense their pack members providing they are in the general area.

Katelyn growled low before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She walked downstairs.

“Mom, I’m going out for a walk”

“Ok darling, take Fynn with you”

Katelyn walked out and Fynn was at her side in an instant. She was in no mood to talk and it seemed like Fynn picked up on it. She continued walking before she heard Fynn drop to the ground. She turned around growling and saw a man step out from behind a tree.

“Now now enough of that. You wouldn’t want us to have to kill him would you?”

Katelyn stopped growling but didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to give the man an excuse to hurt Fynn and she couldn’t attack him without risking Carol.

“Much better” He made some signal and before she had time to react someone had an arm wrapped around her neck and a cloth soaked with some kind of liquid was held over her nose and mouth. She tried to pull his arm away from her neck but before she could do anything her world went black.

Katelyn slowly started to come too as she felt an itchy burning sensation around her neck. She opened her eyes and reached up to scratch it only to have her fingers burned. She growled. Silver, Katelyn looked around.

From what she could tell she was in a dungeon of some kind. The walls were cinderblock with a solid steel door. There were no windows and no light. She stood up to hear the sound of chain scraping on the ground. She noticed a chain hanging from the silver collar on her neck. She reached around and discovered that the chain was attached to the back of the collar and also seemed to be made of titanium.  Katelyn growled her wolf pacing restlessly as she waited for someone to come through the door. She was still wearing the dress she had worn on her date with Mark.

*our mate will come for us* Nya said as she paced.

*Of that I am sure of, I know he will try to find out however do we wait here like damsels in distress or do we try to figure out what’s going on and work out an escape plan and try to find out if they really have Carol and where she is*

*Wait…we accepted the bond! We may be able to get a message through to Mark!* Nya said bouncing a little

*Really? But the silver*

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