| Chapter Thirty Two |

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He'd walked until he couldn't remember his own name

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He'd walked until he couldn't remember his own name.

Sorein saw himself halfway to Bentrii before coming to his senses, the world around him blurring to the sound of his pounding heart. He'd lost himself on some backroads, then shifted into his wolf farm to hide among the woods.

His primal instincts were far better at talking some sense into him.

With his thoughts becoming simple, manageable even, Sorein was able to hear the sound of silence and keep those whispering winds and the rustling wildlife in sight.

From morning until peak day, he stared out at the open fields, watching ordinary sheep and rare wisps alike until a bitter calm settled in his chest.

Nixian knew his mother was ill, he assumed to know why, and Sorein had no idea what he was going to do about it.

When the sun began to climb down from its watchful tower over the heated day, Sorein knew he'd have to make his way to Chiori and speak with not only Jeremy, but his father.

He made it to the Estate in time to watch Iliya chat with Noah at the gates, staring as they laughed together and parted ways.

Leave it to Noah to make her laugh, he grumbled to himself.

Sorein reassured himself that it might mean his friend was in a better mood, but he didn't expect the same warm response. He guessed Noah was going to the Infirmary and took his chance in following him once Iliya disappeared.

His father was another headache he couldn't bear.

He slipped down the halls like a ghost, passing a few Priestesses that eyed him wearily.

When he entered the small screening room, he found Noah standing in front of the large window, looking in at their friend. His brown eyes lifted in his reflection and noticed Sorein's presence. His smile was much sadder than the one he'd given Iliya.

Sorein hesitated entering, but found himself coming to stand beside Noah as they watched their resting friend.

"Iliya said he was supposed to be awake," Noah said, breaking the silence. "I feel lied to."

Sorein snorted, huffing a laugh.

He still didn't know how to word the way his gut felt or the guilt pooling up inside of him. It was left to build in his stomach as the conversation broke again. He knew Noah wasn't going to speak again, he'd already offered his bridge.

"How was the journey?" Sorein asked instead, biding time.

Noah shrugged. "You didn't tell her I was your Diplomat," he chuckled.

Sorein laughed fully at that, scratching the back of his neck. "Really? Did I truly never mention it?"

"Apparently not," Noah replied, turning to face him.

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