Chapter 24: Alexandria

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After checking in on Alpha and the others, Kagari was now on Kaisel's back as they flew high in the sky

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After checking in on Alpha and the others, Kagari was now on Kaisel's back as they flew high in the sky.

Aurora: I'll never get tired of this gorgeous view up here.

Kagari: So Aurora, what did you think of Alpha and the girls?

Aurora: They seem nice. But you do have many nice girls around you.

Kagari: Come on, now. It's not like that.

Aurora: Well, you do seem to be quite popular. Yet, I can monopolize you right now and you also spend most of your time with me.

Kagari: Honestly, I think you're the only person that can.

Aurora: Hehe. Hearing that from you makes me feel a little bit superior. I don't mind.

Aurora: So, where will we be going now?

Kagari: Have you ever heard of the ancient city known as Alexandria?

Aurora: I could have, but I don't remember anything about hearing a city under that name.

Kagari: Then you'll be in for another surprise as the place isn't that far from the hometown were I grew up.

Aurora: Oh, maybe after we're done, you could show me around your home?

Kagari: Maybe.

Aurora: I have a question for you.

Kagari: Yes?

Aurora: What do you think would happen if magic were to dissappear from the world?

Kagari: Hmm, do you have any ideas?

Aurora: I suppose there would be chaos. But I'm not quite sure what would become of beings like you and I. Why, I might disappear altogether.

Kagari: I suppose you'll just have to find a way to stop yourself from vanishing.

Aurora: Oh, can I take that to mean you would help me look? If so, then I think I have it in me to try a bit harder to stay.

Aurora: Oh, can I take that to mean you would help me look? If so, then I think I have it in me to try a bit harder to stay

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