Chapter 8

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The next morning, the pair were startled out of the peaceful atmosphere that had settled between them. Since Alec was busy washing the dishes, Jonah took it upon himself to go see who was there. When he opened the door, he was surprised and slightly intimidated to see the alpha standing there. 

"Morning Jonah, I came here to speak with both of you." Jonah only nodded and didn't wait to see if Thomas was following as he returned back to his seat at the table. 

Alec had stopped what he was doing and gave the man a short embrace. He was always happy to see his best friend. 

"What brings you here Tom?" They both sat at the table.

"Did you talk to Jonah about the situation with Eric and his mate." Alec shook his head. He should've done so, but he had push back the talk since he didn't want to stress Jonah with it. 

Thomas sent his beta a look, expressing his displeasure at his inaction. He turned to Jonah who was sitting in front of Alec, looking confused. 

"The man that attacked you the other day is the mate of the woman you attacked when you were in your wolf form." 

"He wanted retribution for what you did, but don't worry, he was punished for his actions and won't try to attack you again." Jonah's blood seemed to have drain from his face. Even though he was relieved the man wouldn't try to hurt him again, he still felt guilty for the woman who didn't deserve any of this.

"However, to calm him down I promised that you would go see his mate and apologize for your actions. I understand that it was not you who hurt her and that you were commanded to do so, but his mate and the pack won't accept that." 

Jonah was picking at his lips while he was looking down at the table. He was anxious about meeting the woman, but he understood that he had really no choice. At least, this was an opportunity to apologize to her properly. 

When Alec noticed Jonah was uncomfortable, he leaned forward and grasped his hand. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We'll find another solution-"

"It's okay, I'll go see her. It's the least I can do." the beta frowned in concern.

"Are you sure?" Jonah looked up and showed a tiny smile at him. 

"Yes, I want to do it." 

Thomas looked relieved as he stood up. "I'm glad you agreed. I'll inform Eric. Maybe you can go see her this afternoon? The sooner the better." 

Jonah simply nodded, not looking at him in the eyes. While Thomas had been nothing but kind to him, he was still intimidated in his presence. It would take so time before he warm up fully to him. 

The alpha thanked him again and he left after saying goodbye. 

Jonah remained tense in his seat, and Alec squeezed his hand slightly. 

"I know the woman, Melissa. She's always been really nice. I'm sure everything will go well." Jonah swallowed around the lump in his throat and only nodded in response.

When the sun began to go down from its highest point in the sky, the pair were getting ready to leave. Jonah was about to put on the pair of shoes Zoe and given to him the other day when Alec  grabbed his arm lightly.

"Just before we leave, I have something to tell you." Jonah heard the serious tone in his voice and turned around to face him, even though he was worried.

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