8. Guy

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Olivia and I parted with the guys and are now driving back to my place

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Olivia and I parted with the guys and are now driving back to my place. My mind is racing with Tommy and how amazing he is. It was hard not to give him my number, but like I promised Olivia, I didn't and told him he'd have to work for it. The wickedly gorgeous smile of his that had spread across his sharp features and into his eyes, made my heart race insanely.

He liked the challenge. 

Duh, he's a SEAL Peyton.

Heck, he's a guy, and all guys like a challenge.

I got to know him more and am on a high from it. This weird, bubbly excitement is something I've never felt before with a guy, maybe it's because it's unknown. Like I don't know what's going to happen next, but it's so exhilaratingly. It's as if I'm fully alive when he's around and all my senses heighten.

I loved watching the pull and interplay of his muscles with the rest of his body when he would make his tacos. I liked watching his skin tighten and his cords bulge when he would shift in his chair, sling his arm around the back of mine or spoon some fish onto his tortilla.

The way Tommy stared; it seemed as if he was memorizing every bit of me. He's not the type of guy to focus on the body. His attention was on my eyes, locked and unwavering, giving me full access to his beautiful seafoam green. They are like the ocean's hypnotizing waves on a sunny day that call to you to enter the big mouth of Poseidon's Sea. They're like the wave before it hits the shore.

"What are you going to do? Peyton? Hello, Peeeyton?" Olivia's voice pulls me out of my fantasy.


She keeps her eyes on the road. "Did you listen to a word I said, or are you to busy dreaming about Tommy? Gosh, girl, your description of him did not do him justice."

I shake away my thoughts. "I'm sorry, do about what, Tommy?"

Olivia snorts. "So, you weren't listening. No, not Tommy, although I'd rather talk about that subject and how he was practically eating you with his delicious eyes. But, no, I'm talking about Mark leaving the practice."

I go ridge. "You knew?"

She shakes her head. "I overheard him telling you. There's nothing I don't hear with these receptionist ears."

I groan. "I don't know. I have some money saved up, but not enough. I'm wondering if after fixing up my house I should sell it. I would have enough money then."

She slams on the breaks. "You will not do that. That's your childhood home. It's special to you, more than the average person. You've been putting blood, sweat, and tears into repairs after the people renting it destroyed it."

My voice goes up a couple octaves. "What else am I supposed to do? My mom's practice is going to disintegrate if I can't come up with the money and I'd lose that. The house is important to me, but the clinic is more so. My mom left it to me to finish what she started."

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