✨ Lie nr. 11

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Only for a second though

Whatever he told you, it's not true

Only Rhett can drop a dreaded question over take-out.

"So, what exactly where you two doing in the bathroom?" Rémy and I give each other a look. The look. "Don't even deny it, I saw you sneaking in Mills."

Trust me, I don't even know what happened in there, but all I can say is that kissing Rémy Miller, who I declared my enemy number one a few days ago, crossed my lust ridden mind.

Only for a second though.

"We were dealing with her breakup." Rémy shrugs and I breathe in an unfortunate piece of penne.


I'm choking.

Still coughing I try to speak. "It's not a breakup." I cough again.

"I know." Rémy smirks at me. "But you don't have to give Rhett too many details. He's a bit slow."

"Don't listen to him. I'm really not that dumb." Rhett coos at me and proceeds to give me a flirtatious wink. "Oh for fuck sake Mills!" He suddenly screams out and I'm pretty sure Rémy just kicked his shin under the table.

"Didn't you hear she's dealing with a breakup. Now is not the time to get you big man pants on and swoop her off her feet with that silly little wink." He's saying it with a mocking tone but somewhere I also hear a tad jealousy. He's fully claiming me within his friend group, and I don't know how to feel about that. Whatever happened in that bathroom, it's certainly never going to happen again. Not that I regret it, oh no. I'm just trying to stay out of trouble, crawling into its lap and make out with it is not part of this years plan. Because if anything Rémy Miller has T. R. O. U. B. L. E. Written all over his forehead. Capital letters only. So did Elijah, and we all know where that got me... On some stranger's couch for the night. "You do that all the time, has it ever worked in your favor?"

"Céline," Rhett addresses me and pulls me out of my thoughts. "Did it work? The wink?"

"Uhm." Now is my time to unclaim myself from Rémy's very large and attractive paws. "Yeah, it gives any girl butterflies." I give Rhett a flirtatious smile and it makes Rémy scowl across the table.

"See." Rhett's smirk darts to the only other male in the room and he doesn't look best pleased.


While going on about Rhett's silly wink and its success factor with the female college population we continue to enjoy our food. I more than once notice Rémy casually checking me out as he sits next to me, very close. He's trying so hard not to make it obvious, looking at me through his lashes, but every time I catch him, his lips curve into a shameless smirk and I'm experiencing the whole tingle twinkle parade. Caught up in his smile again, my phone goes off a few times in the front pocket of my hoodie. I grab it and my face falls when I see who's blowing up my phone.

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