Chapter Three

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The day drudged by slower than ever before, and the only thing Todd could think of was his boy. In fact, his boy had not left his mind all day, and Todd was seriously starting to consider that his boy was in complete control of his body.

When dinner finally came, Todd tried to shovel as much food as possible before leaving the table promptly and going to his room. He knew he needed to work on his poem, but his boy just would let him focus. Once again, Todd undressed completely and slid under his sheets just before Neil came in.

"Oh. Hello." Todd's face flushed, remembering suddenly what had happened a little over 24 hours before. He covered every bit of his body with blanket except for his head.

"Hello Todd! We didn't talk much today. Are you feeling okay?"

Todd was awe struck. First Neil had ignored Todd's queerness, now he was completely ignoring last night? It was outrageous. Todd pretended to play along, which wasn't that hard at all.

"Uhh, yes- I'm fine. You?" He could've sworn he saw the smile on Neil's face falter.

"Peachy keen, Todd. Have you seen my red pen?"

They kept up the act for the rest of the night, both obviously lying through their teeth. Neil may have been a good actor, but it was nearly impossible for him to fool Todd, as Todd was the one who helped him get to those skills.

They did their homework, Todd from his bed, Neil from his desk, and as soon as Neil said he was tired, Todd jumped to say the same. The lights were switched off, but Todd lay wide awake. It must've been one in the morning when he finally dozed off, his own thoughts becoming increasingly boring and stupid, too stupid to keep him occupied at consciousness any longer. He slept through the night undisturbed.

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