ESNY, twenty-nine

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CLARA, cee 🤍
HARRY, h 😚

cee 🤍
hi, harry.
i just want to let you know that i went to the lunch, and it was fine. i'm really trying to emphasise that there weren't any feelings between myself and dylan.

h 😚
you can't guarantee that he doesn't feel anything for you, though.

cee 🤍
harry, don't start.

h 😚
i'm serious, clara.
this really bothers me.

cee 🤍
i really don't understand why, especially after i've told you over and over again that you have nothing to worry about. it was just a lunch. that's all.

h 😚
sure it's "just a lunch" now, but what happens when he makes a move?

cee 🤍
nothing will happen. that's what i've been trying to tell you this whole fucking time.

i'm getting so frustrated with you, it's like arguing with a brick wall.

why can't we just communicate about this properly? why does it have to turn into an argument every time?

h 😚
i'm getting frustrated with YOU because i'm trying to tell you my perspective, but you're the one that's not even trying to listen to me!

i can already see it happening. i can just see how he'll make his move, clara, and it really irritates me.

cee 🤍
and you just automatically assume i'll let him?! you think i won't stop him?!

after all these years, you really think i'm that awful of a person. wow.

h 😚
obviously you're not an awful person, you're far from it, but i know how this works!

i've been that guy before, clara, and it always happens exactly like this. things are fine one day, then it's all gone the next.

cee 🤍
this is what i'm talking about.
i just can't find another way to explain the same thing to you over and over again!

h 😚
fine, so don't explain it to me!
the fact that you're not even trying to hear my side is even more aggravating!

cee 🤍
i'm trying to understand how you're feeling, believe me, but this whole thing is driving me fucking crazy.

you're not even trying to hear my side either, you just keep stubbornly insisting on something that's not even real and won't ever happen, i'm over it!

h 😚
i don't have to hear your side, because i know it'll happen, and i'm trying to stop it before it can!

cee 🤍
are you fucking joking?
do you realise how crazy you sound?

h 😚
i sound crazy now?

cee 🤍
this whole thing sounds fucking insane!

EVER SINCE NEW YORK, harry styles (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora