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"I'M going to call you every day. Morning and night, plus the afternoon so make sure you have your iPad around at all times okay? Just don't lose it." CiCi crouched down to Candy's level, adjusting the backpack on her sisters shoulders.

"I know CiCi. Now shoo away! Me and gramma is good." Candy sassed.

Over the past two weeks leading up to CiCi's birthday, Candy and Mama Faye had grown a special bond. Candy had heard stories about her fellow classmates and them living with their grandparents so now that she finally got to experience it, she wasn't letting it go that easily.

"Okay missy. If you say so. Show me some love,"

"Because love is the only thing that matters." Candy finished their slang before giving each of her sisters cheek a peck.

"Thank you again Mama Faye. I really appreciate this."

"It's no problem child. Candy's welcome anytime. Just enjoy your birthday for me. That grandchild of mines has a big heart for you."

The excitement rushing through CiCi's body was a high she never wanted to come off of. And her boyfriend was the main cause behind it. When he woke her up this morning with a full suitcase and a carryon, she knew he had fulfilled her wishes of going to Miami. What she didn't expect was the stop they were about to make before heading to the airport.

"What we doing here stink? I thought we was going to the airport." CiCi asks as she looks out the window, watching people walk in and out of the lobby of the apartment complex.

Sage ignores her. Turning the car off before making his way to the passenger side of the Hellcat, "Getting the keys to your new apartment. Happy birthday mamas."

"You- you, oh my gosh." She pouts as she opens her arm for him to walk into. The minute his arms wrap around her waist, the waterworks were in full affect. Sage allows her to cry her eyes out for the next five minutes until he realizes they were standing in the middle of a parking lot.

"When I said I got you, I meant it. Don't ever second guess my word aight?" He wipes her tears, placing a kiss to her forehead.

"I won't. Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet. You haven't even seen the apartment yet. You might not like it." Sage played with his dreads nervously.

"I know imma like it because I like your apartment. You had to do me and Candy good." She shrugs.

CiCi's assumption were proven right and Sage's nervousness was gone when they entered the penthouse. Sage had really outdid himself in all areas. From the kitchen to the living room, the black staircase, the massive bedrooms, and spacious bathrooms. The penthouse also came with built in washer and dryer appliances.

"So it's a three bedroom, two and a half bath. I heard you when you was on the phone with Jelly, saying how you didn't want a lot of sunlight because of Candy so the place comes with built in black out curtains. Y'all bedrooms is on the top floor and the guest is on the bottom. One bathroom is in your room, the other is next to Candy's, and the half bathroom is under the stairs." Sage explains as CiCi looks around the penthouse in awe.

"Say something," He pleads when he feels his nervousness take over him again.

"Do we got time to break this B in?" She raises her eyebrows.

"You asking me to fuck you?" Sage chuckles.

"On the counter or on the stairs." She nods as if they didn't have to catch a flight in a hour.

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