Chapter 14

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I was wandering the halls of my new school until lunch time when I'd search for my Angel.

I heard that she always sat with a certain group of people.

I entered the half outdoor cafeteria as people began to whisper about me, the new student from the magic tower.

I spotted a familiar girl with unruly flaming red hair.

"Eloise? What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I'm a student now," I answered her, my eyes searching her table for my Angel.

But she wasn't there.

"Really? But weren't you supposed to--" I pinched her before she could finish.

"It's not nice to pry in a man's private life, Patricia," I reprimanded her.

"Oh, who might you be?" Asked Lady Amelia in curiosity.

"Ah, pardon me, I'm Eloise, a new student here," I answered, flashing her my radiant smile.

"We were raised in the magic tower together y'know," laughed Patricia.

"I see," she smiled.

"But... Where's Lady Madeline?" I asked as lady Amelia's brows were raised in surprise and sir Carter's head turned to me quickly.

"Why are you looking for Lady Madeline?" He asked me with a slight glare.

"She promised me that she would show me around the school," I smiled.

"Really? I've never heard her mention you before," Amelia commented.

"If you're here for a tour around school then let me volunteer," Sir Carter offered, standing up.

"Hey, hasn't Maddie been gone for a while now?" Patricia asked, thinking out loud.

"Do you think she needed to go number 2?" She asked as I barley held in my laugher.

"Patricia! Never announce a lady's private affairs in public!" Scolded Amelia.

"But... She is taking longer than usual... I'll go check on her," Lady Amelia said, turning quickly.

"Wait for me, Amelia!" Patricia scrambled.

I was about to follow them when sir Carter stopped me.

"You shouldn't get involved in a betrothed lady's private affairs," he told me with a cold look.

I smiled at him then bolted around him, running for my life, hoping he didn't catch me.

I turned around to see that sir Carter was catching up to me quite quickly.

Then I heard something hit the wall really hard. After a little while I heard Patricia scream my Angel's name.

"Lady Madeline!" I stopped in my tracks.

There she was, blood pooling around her head, her clothes tattered, burnt, and exposed much of her body.

A man towered over her as my anger boiled, she turned her head to look at me, eyes dilluted and showed no signs of recognition.

"You bastard!" I screamed, only seeing red...


I finally caught up to sir Eloise when I heard him shout in anger.

I reached the hall that they were in and saw a bloody scene in front of me.

Lady Madeline was on the floor bleeding immensely from the head and her clothes were tattered.

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