Chapter Twenty-Five

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The girls laughed as the movie finally ended. "That had to be the best movie ever." Adrianna said. Ci-L rolled her eyes. "Your only saying that because Zac Efron was shirtless in basically half of the entire movie." Ci-L chided. Cecelia smiled softly.

"I think I am going to go to bed." She said yawning. The two siblings groaned as she headed for Ethan's room. "One more movie?" Ci-L asked. Cecelia looked over her shoulder and shook her head. "Sorry ladies, I am going to say night to my man and go to bed." The two nodded and slumped in defeat.

Cecelia opened the door slowly and looked in to see a lump on the bed. She smiled softly and shut the door. "Night girls." She said. They sighed and responded as she bounded up the steps. She walked into her room and suddenly thought of Melodi. Her small smile fades as she pulled the shirt off only to have a black one underneath.

She pulled tights on and put on black high tops. She walked up to the door and smiled. She opened it and looked down the hall. When she sensed no one, she walked up to the window at the end of the hall and opened it.

She jumped without hesitation and made her way to the "chambers." She noticed a guard and made sure everything was in the right spot. "Excuse me? May I please pass through? You see I need to talk to an old friend." The guard shook his head. Cecelia walked closer to him and put her hand on his chest.

Her eyes suddenly became red as she felt her teeth extending. He suddenly became dazed. "Now, let me enter." She said lowly. He moved away and opened the doors for her. She winked and walked in.

She strolled down the dark, dirty hall. The cells with werewolves yelled at her, rude, nasty comments. Disturbing wants, and clumsy needs. She ignored them all as she looked at the handsome vampire in a cell. Dirty blond hair, and the perfect face structure.

But thats not what made her stop. It was the red eyes that flashed as she walked by. "Adrian." She sighed as she walked towards the door, picking the lock with a hair pin. "How did you get here?" She questioned as the bars opened. He stood and looked at her as he slowly walked forward.

"I was taken and held for questioning." Cecelia tilted her head. "They wanted to know about the brown-eyed one." He added. Cecelia nodded and continued walking until she saw Lullaby. She looked up and smiled. "Is it time already? I was starting to enjoy the days as Caleb threatened me, in so may ways." Cecelia rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we don't have much time-" Adrian cleared his throat. "How did you know that she was down here?" Lullaby growled and whispered, "Shut up dead boy." Cecelia looked at the werewolves and smiled as they went quiet, one by one. "It's my job to hear all." She walked towards the door and paused. "Look around." She said in a low voice. "They are all knocked out." Lullaby said in a clipped tone.

Cecelia glared. "They are not knocked out." She looked away and opened the doors and looked over to the guard. He started to scream, but it was cut off as he dropped to the floor. "I have been practicing all my life, and now the cursed thing has use." Cecelia mumbled.

Adrian looked back to the giant house down the road and stopped walking. "I still think that we should-" Cecelia sighed and looked over to the elder vampire. "Look they don't have a clue where she is, and now that we have finished what we started, Zaria can have her."

Adrian gave Cecelia a look--no--it was a plea. "But the Elders still want her." Cecelia smiled and took Adrian's hand. "And in a few weeks, they will have her." Lullaby looked at the two in confusion. "Wait, what is going on? And I want both answers." Cecelia let go of Adrian's hand and started to walked towards the forest.

"Zaria is a new vampire, she will eventually need to go hunting-"

Lullaby cut in. "Melodi is one too so how will this kill the girl? And why do the Elders want her? And what is up with you two?" Cecelia kept her head forward as the questions slipped from the werewolf's mouth. "Melodi has been trained to only want animal blood, you seem to forget that she is a hybrid.

The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Where stories live. Discover now