Yosano's Advice

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{A/N: This is another filler. I can hardly think of any good ideas and wanted to get something out to you guys before this week ends. I'm sorry for not publishing lately, I've been really busy. That and I have had to restart this chapter five times due to not liking the wording.}

Ranpo had made it home later that night. Poe had driven him back. He was fully red. He knew exactly what Poe was trying to hint at with these hearts. However, he wanted to deny the thought completely. Though he knew it was true, he also thought that there was no chance Poe could ever like him back.

Ranpo decided to try to set these thoughts aside for now. He was going to talk to Yosano tomorrow about this situation. He trusted her like a sister, after all.

He couldn't get rid of his thoughts of Poe that night. He even dreamed about multiple outcomes of this in his sleep. He had never been more conflicted about something. He was the world's greatest detective, he had hardly ever felt conflicted about anything.

The next morning, Ranpo had made it to the office. Per usual, everyone greeted him with their average "hello"s.

As Ranpo tried to work through the average day, many of his coworkers found his behaviors unusual. He was spaced out a lot more, and constantly looking slightly flustered.

"Are you alright, Ranpo-kun?" Atsushi asked, on behalf of everyone in the agency.

"Hm...Oh, I'm perfectly fine. Just thinkin'!" Ranpo was brought back to reality yet again. He couldn't get his mind off of Poe, and the hearts that he was giving Ranpo.

"Hey, Ranpo! Come to my office, I need to talk to you." Ranpo turned to Yosano, and followed her to her office.

Once he shut the door, Yosano gave him an odd grin. She chuckled lightly. When Ranpo hadn't spoken a single word, she sighed.

"Come on, spill the tea already!" She yelled at him. "Who is he? Is he cute? What happened? Tell me!" Ranpo was slightly stunned on how she knew that it was romance problems. He sighed.

"His name is Edgar, you've seen him quite a few times before." Ranpo blushed slightly, thinking about him.

"I hear a romance blossoming! What did he do to get you so worked up?"

"It isn't a romance, he would never like me." Ranpo's words made Yosano frown. "It's just... He's been leaving these for me almost everyday." Ranpo handed Yosano the candy heart he received yesterday. He couldn't bring himself to eat it, surprisingly.

Yosano frowned at his obliviousness. She facepalmed, taking a deep breath.

"What has gotten into you? Why is the smartest person I know acting so dumb?"

"What the hell do you mean? How am I being dumb right now?!" Ranpo slightly shouted.

"It's obvious that he likes you! How could someone as smart as you think otherwise?" Yosano took another deep breath, calming herself down. "You should talk to him about these.

"But what if I'm just getting the wrong idea and he doesn't like me?" Ranpo started to overthink this way too much.

"He likes you back, I can tell. Just shoot your shot with him." Yosano said. Ranpo tried to speak, but she cut him off. "Just trust me."

Ranpo just nodded and walked out of Yosano's office. He felt slightly better than before, able to get through the rest of his work.

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