Chapter Five

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Andrei had a black Lexus car that he had driven over to my brother's house I don't know how many days ago.

After about a half hour of waiting to see if Jaccob was going to come back for whatever reason from his date (maybe he forgot something or something like that), Andrei and I decided that we would leave and go find an ice cream parlor somewhere in suburban Raleigh.

Andrei stuck the keys into the ignition and started the car.

Before leaving the driveway, I had changed my clothes from practically wearing the same outfit all day yesterday and this morning. I put on a white floral sundress and slipped on my brown cork sandals. To compliment the look, I was wearing my rose-gold framed sunglasses with dark brown lenses. Since I was going out somewhere, I thought I would have to look good for the occasion. Andrei was just in another sweatshirt, shorts, and athletic sneakers. Typical Andrei.

Andrei backed out of the driveway and started driving down the street.

"So, how's everything going? I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I know I was kind of an asshole to you," Andrei said as he turned the radio blasting some rock music by Shinedown.

I glanced at him, our eyes meeting briefly before he returned them back to the road. "Andrei, it's fine that you were being an asshole to me earlier. I find it quite funny," I chuckled. "But otherwise, I'm feeling good and excited regardless,"

He giggled as he applied the brakes to gradually slow down to the upcoming stop sign. "About hanging out with me, or the ice cream?" he asked with a soft giggle.

I smiled. "Ice cream. Screw you," I joked.

Andrei rolled his eyes. "Thank you," he responded with a smirk as he turned right after the view was clear to go.

"No problem," I answered as I looked back out of my window and watched the world pass by at forty miles an hour.

The car ride was silent with the faint sound from the radio playing in the background.

I sighed as I turned my head to look out of the windshield. "Are you excited about the hockey season starting up again soon?" I asked Andrei.

He smiled with a chuckle. "Of course I am. Hockey is my passion," he responded. "It's been too long without it,"

I giggled. "Wonder who I'm going to root for on opening night," I said.

"Well, you could be wearing your brother's jersey, but you're rooting for your own boyfriend in your heart," Andrei responded with a wink.

My face reddened as a smile widened across my face. "Now what happens if I show up to PNC Arena in a Svechnikov jersey?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Then your ass would be grass if your brother found out," he answered as he turned left onto 16th Avenue.

"Sure, sure, but not like he's gonna notice if I'm far, far away from him, right?" I mentioned.

Andrei scoffed. "You'd be far, far away from me. Which might make me a little sad, but your brother is kinda scary," he giggled. "So I'd understand,"

"Jaccob's not scary if you don't piss him off. He's always been like that," I responded.

"Yeah, I figured that one out,"

I chuckled as Andrei pulled into a parking space for a corner ice cream shop.

He turned the car off after putting it into park.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

I giggled. "Ready as I can ever be," I responded, then we both got out of his car and headed inside the ice cream shop.

behind your back ~ andrei svechnikovDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora