Chapter 31

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The rising dust could be seen from the car windows as other fast moving cars on the viaduct passed by.

The refracted lights from the sun are particularly dazzling.

There is a light and faintly discernible refreshing scent in the car.

Ruan Sixian sat quietly in the co-driver, and her mind that had floated far away was attracted by this scent. She sniffed lightly, a little curious about where the scent came from.

There is no incense in front of the car seat, nothing on the rearview mirror, and nothing on the dashboard next to it too.

Her eyes gradually searched to the driver's seat and Fu Mingyu just happened to stop in front of the red light, looking at her.

Ruan Sixian: "..."

Once their gaze met, she turned her face away again and looked at the front indifferently

She began to think about why she was in his co-pilot's seat.

She must have been made dizzy by the sun, and got dizzy with her anger towards Fu Mingyu.

This man was too shameless. He blocked her at the gate of Hengshi Airlines at noon where people were coming and going. If she didn't get in the car, he wouldn't leave either and just let the staff who came and went watch it.

He is a dignified President. Can't he save some of his face?

Just look at that posture of his. If she doesn't get in the car today, he will probably follow her all the way home.

"I'm not angry because of you today." Ruan Sixian has been holding back for a long time, and decided to take the initiative to explain the most critical problem, otherwise Fu Mingyu would only think more about it, "The weather is too hot, so I am irritated. I am like this towards everyone."

Fu Mingyu gave a faint "Oh".

Ruan Sixian frowned and looked at him: "Really."

There's still no fluctuation on Fu Mingyu's face, "Yeah. I know."

But why does Ruan Sixian feel that she didn't believe his words at all?

What's the matter with this person actually? Does he like others getting angry with him so much?

Ruan Sixian looked at him while holding her breath and puffing up her eyes, but he didn't react at all.

After holding herself back for a long time, the other party still does not put out even a fart, so Ruan Sixian chooses to just shut up.

She knew that if she opened her mouth again at this time, she may be brought into the pit again by him.

Tired, really tired.

After a long silence in the car, Fu Mingyu suddenly asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Ruan Sixian said blankly: "Oh, I'm thinking about getting a driver's license as soon as possible."

So as not to be dragged into the co-pilot seat because I can't get a car.

How could Fu Mingyu not understand what she said?

Getting a driver's license to drive by herself, lest he use this reason to pester her forcibly again.

He wondered whether she had such thoughts when she got into Yan'an's car.

He sneered.

"Ruan Sixian, where am I worse than Yan'an?"

Ruan Sixian looked at him inexplicably, "Why did you mention him all of a sudden?"

Fu Mingyu narrowed his eyes.

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