Chapter 7

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Despite Xie Lian's shock at the revelation that Banyue was sitting on Hua Cheng's throne, he managed to proceed with the audience just like Hua Cheng and he had planned. Though it certainly felt jarring to bow down to someone he had considered his unofficially adopted child for the better part of a decade.

Once Xie Lian got over his surprise enough to take in more of the scene before him, he realised that Pei Su was standing off to the side, just behind the throne, dressed in Banyue military armour and sporting a rather nasty frown on his face.

Both Banyue and Pei Su had grown up quite a bit over the past few years, and while they hadn't admitted to anything yet, Xie Lian knew that they were courting each other. At least, if things hadn't changed between them during this past year, that should still be the case. And if so, then Xie Lian could understand why Pei Su would pull a face like that when confronted with outsiders without prior notice. He would have to teach the boy how to relax at some point, Xie Lian thought and sighed inwardly.

While Xie Lian stated his business, he made sure to change his voice in a way that would make it extremely difficult for anyone to guess it was him, but he was still nervous when Banyue took much longer to reply than Xie Lian would have expected.

"Unfortunately I am unable to help you today. In truth, we currently have several spots open which we need workers for, and I still need time to ascertain which position is the one that requires workers most urgently. I hope you can come back tomorrow. I will make sure to have you start working then. As for your brother, he may stay with you in the worker's quarters", Banyue decided, and before Xie Lian could say anything, she stood up and left the room in a hurry, almost as if she was scared to be confronted about her decision.

This was a truly interesting encounter, Xie Lian thought while they were being led back to the palace gates.

Even though Banyue was the one sitting on the throne, she most definitely was not used to making decisions, which led Xie Lian to believe that she was nothing more than a puppet for whoever didn't want to show their face to the citizens.

It couldn't be the first time this charade had been performed however, since Banyue had been wearing very well fitting robes that were meant to represent royalty. Which obviously meant that even these had been prepared a long time ago, and not just for today's appearance. No, this was certainly standard procedure at this point, which made Xie Lian incredulous about Banyue's obvious disdain for her current role.

Just what was going on?!


After they had walked quite a distance away from the palace, Hua Cheng, who was still holding Xie Lian's hand, pulled him into one of the many back alleys of Banyue. Then, without saying a word, he pulled his dice out and threw them, opening a portal through which he also pulled Xie Lian.

Stepping out on the other side of it, Xie Lian immediately recognised his surroundings.

Hua Cheng had transported them into their old bedroom in the inner palace.

Feeling a bit confused, Xie Lian turned to look at him, only to realise that he had changed his appearance back into just how he used to look before he left Banyue last time. Looking down on himself, Xie Lian realised that his robes had also changed into his preferred white ones, and so he figured that he also looked like himself once more.

"Why did you bring us here?", Xie Lian asked.

"Because I've been monitoring this place since last night, and not a single person has been here since. I think it's safe to assume that this house isn't in use anymore", Hua Cheng replied.

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