-7- Angst (im so sorry)

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Four sat in the bench on the front porch looking out on the sunset. They dwelled deep in their thoughts until they eventually depersonalised into their mind. They hated when this happened.

They looked around and they noticed they were surrounded by all the people they love. Realistically, Four believed that nobody loved them. Nobody. Not even one of their contestants.

Although, in this world, that wasn't true. Everybody wanted to talk to them. All of their contestants respected them. It felt like a dream.

Four felt like something was missing, though. They kept seeing something in the corner of their eye, but they brushed it off. They didn't want this moment getting ruined.

This.. world? Well, it was more or less just Four's mind, but they cherished it non the less.

Two, on the other hand, wasn't so happy. They stood in front of Four on the porch. They sighed

'Again? How many times are they going to do this?' Two thought in their mind.

Two was completely sympathetic to Four's situation. A lot has happened ever since their show ended. Even though all of their contestants said that they forgave Four, they were still really hard on them.

They treated for as if Four never changed afterward. It was all so overwhelming for them. Two understood this completely, but it's hard to work with Four when they're always lost in their head.

Two wanted to help, but they couldn't. They could never get through to Four. It was starting to agitate them.

It was really difficult to get on Two's nerves. Two was one of the most optimistic, benevolent, empathetic, and charismatic number you could ever meet. It really was hard to make them angry.

But everybody has a crossing point.

"Four!" Two yelled out, pissed beyond comprehension.

Four sighed, and was almost upset that they had to leave.

"I don't want to leave" they mumbled, but everything was in their mind so obviously two couldn't hear that.

"Everything comes to an end, Four. Stop living in delusion." Lollipop spoke to them a respectful but condescending manner.

Four opened their eyes and gazed at Two. Two's eyes were glassy and they looked as if they were about to cry.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Two asked, halfway yelling.

"Two, I'm so sorry." Four tried to reason with them, but Two wasn't having it.

"That's what you said the last time, and the other last time, and the other OTHER last time! I'm not going to keep doing this with you."

Four just stayed silent, letting Two go on.

"Every time I try to rationalise with you and make a solution with you, you just continue to add more problems! It's like you want this to stay this way! Why are you like this!?" Two continued to yell at Four, their voice reverberated through the trees near them.

"Two, please.. you know that I can't control it." Four's voice was shaky, but they stood their ground.

"But you don't want to control it, do you?" Two said very bluntly.

Four went silent in return.

Two sighed "I want to resonate with you, Four. But you're making it really difficult for me." They looked down at the ground, no longer maintaining eye contact

"Why do you insist on bothering me like this?" Four asked, standing up.

"I'm sorry?" Two said, looking up from the ground. They were almost offended that Four would talk back to them when they were in a state like this. Two never liked being angry.

"You're so hell bent on fixing me, that you don't even realise your own life is falling apart. Do you ever think about that, Two? That you're so fucking stubborn that you can't focus on yourself for one fucking moment?" Four let themself get overwhelmed by hurt and anger that they didn't realise they were hurting the only thing they love as they spoke.

Despite Two wanting to break down, they totalised. "Do you really think you have any room to speak on my life falling apart? What about yours? Nobody respects you, Four. Maybe if you pay attention to others they would see they're hurting as well!" Two spoke between sobs "You're so fucking selfish, Four! I hope you know that!"

With that, Two ran inside, leaving Four alone with their thoughts again. This time, their eyes were lightly pricked with tears as they sat down once again, letting their body sink further into the chair.

A/N: I swear I'm okay. I swearrrr. Anyways, this was my first time writing angst, so it may not be well written. I never like writing it bc like,, I don't wanna hurt them. But my friend convinced me to do it. I'll come out with a newer, happier chapter soon.

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