Chapter 30 - I'd Surely Lose Myself

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A/N: This was suppose to be out last night but I got busy with family stuff and then this morning I got the cold. So I apologise if this chapter isn't my best work, know you all wanted this out. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the Epilogue, tomorrow :)

"You're not much for small talk, are you?"

Y/N had found himself on the other side of town, just a ways from the hospital. The crashing current of flooded water had sent him barrelling in the opposite tunnel and out the other end.

And here he was, with a Firefly.

"That's okay, I don't care for it either." Abby gave him a smile, "Mostly."

They were on one of the main streets heading east, abandoned vehicles littered ahead and more greenery than before. Abby, this wannabe firefly, was taking him to the hospital.

To Joel, and Ellie.

"How much further?" Y/N asked her. He wasn't going to needlessly small talk, only what was important, and getting back to his friends was everything. "Just up the street?"

"Yeah," Abby vaulted over a wrecked car and Y/N followed. "Just a couple minutes that way. Some friends up by that old water tower, make a stop there."

"Why?" Y/N wrinkled his nose. "More fireflies?"

Abby shrugged her shoulders, "It's only way through, the end of the street is blocked off by wrecks and the FEDRA walls. Gotta go over."

Y/N followed behind her, his rifle slung over his shoulder as he fiddled with his hand.


"You don't have to worry about infected." Abby gazed at the pistol in his hands. Her own was placed in her back pocket. "City was cleaned out, above ground anyway."

"I don't take any chances." Y/N explained, turning direction as Abby led him up into a building, and out onto the open rooftops. "Safer that way."

Abby could agree with that, "Smart, guess if I was picked up by someone who claims to be a firefly I'd be cautious too."

She guided him along the rooftops, and soon enough the water tower was in view. He could see the fireflies not far off, huddling around a section of the roof near the tower, there were no more than four of them.

"There they are." Abby said before calling out to them. "Hey, John!"

The firefly in question turned at her call, and raised his shotgun, only to lower it when he noticed them.

"Jesus Christ, Abby." The firefly lowered the gun, along with the others that got up as they approached. "I could've shot you. Who's this?"

"Nice to see you too." Abby pointed to Y/N, who awkwardly stared back as he stopped at her side. "This is Y/N, he was with Joel and Ellie."

"Oh shit, yeah scouts said they saw a third one coming into the city with them, a boy." Another firefly piped up. "You okay, kid?"

Y/N chewed at his bottom lip, placing his pistol away, "I'm fine. Just need to get to the hospital."

"Right, soon as we pack up we'll head on over. Just give us a sec." The fireflies began packing up, and Y/N noticed another approaching him. "So, you got us the cure, huh?"

'What the fuck?'

Abby thought the same, punching the firefly in the arm, "What the fuck, Amy, she has a name."

"I'm sorry," Amy, this young firefly spoke up, "So you brought Ellie here, huh. Must've been quite the trip."

Y/N, who just wanted to get moving, simply nodded his head, crossing his arms over, "It wasn't just me. We had a lot of help..."

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