Chapter 13

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Adrien's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he held the pink notebook in his hands. The title and contents seemed straight out of a clichéd villain's playbook, and he couldn't believe what he was reading. How could Olivia, his sister, harbor such malicious intentions towards Harvey?

His mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Should he confront Olivia immediately, or should he share this discovery with his parents first? As he weighed his options, he realized that addressing this issue with his parents was the right course of action. It was crucial to ensure a fair and unbiased resolution.

He carefully closed the notebook, making sure not to leave any trace of his presence, and left Olivia's room. As he made his way downstairs, he pondered how to approach his parents without causing unnecessary chaos within the family. Olivia's behavior had already caused enough damage, and he didn't want to exacerbate the situation.

Adrien found his parents in the study, engrossed in a conversation. He knocked lightly on the doorframe, and they both looked up, their expressions questioning.

"May I come in?" Adrien asked, his voice steady but laced with concern.

His parents exchanged a brief glance before his father motioned for him to enter. Adrien took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before speaking.

"I stumbled upon something concerning in Olivia's room," he began, holding up the pink notebook. "It's a plan she has written, titled 'Plan to destroy Harvey and get everyone to love only me.'"

His mother's eyes widened, mirroring his own shock, while his father motioned for him to continue.

"I haven't read it in its entirety, but from what I skimmed, it seems that Olivia has devised a scheme to frame Harvey, ruin her schoolwork, and manipulate her relationships," Adrien explained, his voice trembling slightly with a mix of anger and disappointment.

His parents exchanged worried glances, and his mother spoke up, her voice tinged with sadness. "This behavior from Olivia is deeply troubling. We must address this immediately."

Adrien nodded in agreement, thankful that his parents understood the gravity of the situation. Adrien felt a surge of gratitude towards his father for his unwavering support and dedication to their family's well-being. Together, they would confront Olivia and put an end to her destructive plan.

Leaving his father's office, Adrien headed straight to the living room, where the family had gathered earlier for the meeting. He found Harvey sitting alone, her eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and resilience. It pained him to think that Olivia had been harboring such animosity towards her own sister.

Taking a deep breath, Adrien approached Harvey and sat down beside her. He showed her the picture of Olivia's notebook and explained what he had discovered. "Harvey, I wanted you to see this. Olivia had been plotting to hurt you, to destroy your happiness. But we won't let her succeed."

Harvey's eyes widened as she took in the shocking revelation. Adrien could see the range of emotions playing across her face—hurt, anger, but also a newfound sense of determination.

"Fucking hell, what a little bitch ," Harvey said, her voice filled with quiet resolve. "You know what, I actually would like to see her try to do all of this, especially try to steal a so called boyfriend, seeing as I don't have one." She added as an afterthought.

Adrien smiled, relieved to see Harvey's strength shine through. They would protect each other, united against the darkness that had emerged within their own family.

Harvey returned to her room, her mind still reeling from the shocking discovery of Olivia's malicious plan. Determined to gather support and expose Olivia's true nature, she reached for her phone and dialed Killan's number. She needed his perspective and strength during this difficult time.

As the call connected, Harvey felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. She quickly explained the situation and sent him the photos she had taken of Olivia's disturbing journal. Moments later, Killan's voice filled the line.

He chuckled upon seeing the pictures. "Sleep with her boyfriend, huh? Wonder who this lucky man is," he teased, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Harvey joined in the laughter, hoping to alleviate the tension. "The spiders would be jealous," she playfully replied, not intending to imply anything deeper.

However, the lighthearted banter quickly took an unexpected turn when Killan fell silent. His sudden quietness sent a shiver down Harvey's spine. She realized that her words may have unintentionally triggered something within him.

After a brief pause, Killan's voice returned, but it carried an uncharacteristic seriousness. "Harvs, what are we doing?" he asked, his tone tinged with frustration.

Caught off guard by his question, Harvey stumbled over her words. "I didn't mean it like that... I mean, we're friends, right?"

Interrupting her, Killan's voice grew firm. "No, Harvey. We're more than friends, and we both know it."

Harvey's eyes widened, her heart racing as she tried to process Killan's words. She never expected him to confront her about their relationship. She had convinced herself that their connection was merely platonic, a deep bond formed through shared experiences and support.

Struggling to find the right response, Harvey stammered, "Killan, I... I didn't realize you felt that way. I value our friendship, and I don't want to ruin what we have."

There was a heavy silence on the line. Killan's frustration mixed with disappointment was palpable, even through the phone. Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with a blend of hurt and determination. "Harvs, I need some time to think. I can't pretend that my feelings for you are insignificant. We'll talk later."

Before Harvey could respond, Killan abruptly ended the call, leaving her alone with her racing thoughts and a sinking feeling in her chest. The unexpected revelation had opened a door she wasn't prepared to walk through, and now she had to confront her own feelings and the potential consequences of their unspoken connection.

Lost in her swirling emotions, Harvey sat on her bed, contemplating the complexity of their relationship and the challenges they faced ahead. She couldn't deny the depth of her bond with Killan, but she also feared the changes it might bring and the potential risks involved.

With her mind consumed by uncertainty, Harvey resolved to give Killan the space he needed. She knew that in order to find clarity, they both needed time to reflect on their feelings and the future they were unwillingly navigating together.

As the minutes ticked by, Harvey's thoughts swirled with a mixture of hope and apprehension. She yearned for a resolution, a way to navigate the storm of emotions that had unexpectedly engulfed their friendship. But for now, all she could do was wait and trust that their connection would guide them toward the answers they sought.

Love Lost: Mafia StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora