Chapter 13

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I did not look back but kept running until I knew I had got the attention of the beast. Its enormous, scaly, lizard-like head appeared before me. It glared at me, as if it were searching my eyes, my soul. I could not move. I wished that I could have. With all my power and might, I wished I could have moved but I did not, neither did the Quimeeraa. It just continued to glare at me. Then it moved. Slowly. Ever so slowly its head began getting closer and closer and I could smell rotten and decaying flesh on its breath. It was disgusting. I almost gagged but held it in so that I could stay still and it would not see me as a threat. More so, in the hopes that if I were to stay quiet, it would not see me at all.

The creature came closer and its long tongue stretched out of its mouth and touched my face. I could not hold it in anymore. I felt it from my core, to my throat, pushing with all its might — everything from the morning and probably from the night before was spewed onto the great beast, covering its eyes and nostrils. It jolted back and slammed its head into the high ceiling. Rocks began to fall, narrowly missing my leg as I jumped out the way. A boulder-sized rock fell next, but I slid away from it, scarcely getting crushed by its gigantic weight.

I quickly picked myself off the rocky floor only to look up at a creature with eyes that shone like flames. It was then that I knew I was in trouble. The creature began waving its head from side to side as its tongue rolled from side to side; glaring at me with a ferocity I had seen only in the eyes of a great predator. I gripped both Guandao and stood still, waiting for the creature to strike. I began to feel the air near my neck stand on end, another fear response. I took in deep breaths and was able to calm my body down.

Another martial art technique my father had taught me so that my body would not just react. I did not want to lose control of my body and begin teleporting in such tight spaces. I was still unsure of my powers. I knew however that deep breathing may help with my anxiety. I turned for a moment to see that my friends were near the exit to leave the cave and realized it was a big mistake. Not for me, but for my friends. The Quimeeraa seemed to lose interest in me and turned towards the others.

It sped through the water at its target, its tail discharging lightning in its wake. I knew I would not be able to reach it in time. I knew that the young boy would be slain if I did not do anything. There was not much I could do as the Quimeeraa was near my friends now. But it seemed to be seeking out the child and not my friends. I could just tell. I don't know how. I just could. If it were not for Maverick and Shaki blocking the creature's path with their powers, the child would have been a goner by now. This was when I realized the power of a Quimeeraa. Even with everything they were doing, it seemed like the serpent would eventually break through their defenses. And there was not much I could do. Running at full speed was out of the question. The slime was slowing me down. It would take ages before I reached my comrades.

"I can't hold him much longer!" I heard Shaki scream.

"We can't let this child die," Carlos shouted.

"Why did I come with you guys?" Maverick cried.

It almost brought me to tears. Knowing I was powerless and could do nothing. I tried to run again and only slid, falling into the wet, murky and slimy water just a few feet from where I once was. Swimming was out of the question. I looked over and noticed that the Leviathan, this great creature I had seen in biology books had used electricity to stun all three of my friends. Only the boy sat there crying. If only I could control my powers. "Damn it!" I thought.

I grabbed the rocks near me and tried to pull myself up but slid down again. I looked up and noticed the serpent was now close to the boy. Its tongue rolled over his face and down the child's back as it opened its mouth wider. Wide enough that I could see the enormous fangs that were protruding from the insides of its mouth. I looked at my friends and realized that they would be next. I would be next. My family would not be saved. My father would die never knowing that this was where I had been.

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