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a/n- hey y'all

i know the couple song is a song by ariana and abel, but the main artist for the couple is lana del rey, meaning i'll use her songs the most for this story.

if you like taylor swift go read pretty play, she was the main artist for that story 🙌

the song for todays chapter is million dollar man, by the one and only, queen lana del rey 🌟

a few days have passed since i've created my account on the dating app and i have only received messages from creeps who want to hook up.

but yet again, it's a dating app. i don't really know why i expected anything even close to long-term coming from the app.

so for right now, the app just sits on my phone.

it's the weekend, and i love my bosses the most because of one thing.

when they got hired at their jobs, they demanded one thing. weekends off.

so that means i get them off too.

i stopped at a local bakery in raleigh to buy a matcha latte, and the owner was there.

when i'm there i usually run into her five year old who is the sweetest.

i bring the drink up to my lips and sip as i sit at my table.

now that i think of it, there really isn't anything to do at my house besides hang out with matcha, and it's not like me and her can have a conversation.

although i do find myself talking to her sometimes.

so, i do what i do best and i grab my bag and car keys, before driving to the nearest used bookstore.

it's a neat little place, that is nearly filled to the brim with all sorts of books.

an earthy smell greets me as i walk in, and an employee mutters a welcome before getting back to whatever she was doing before.

i walk slowly down the aisles, looking for what i could be in the mood for.

my eye catches on an old brown novel and i briefly scan the pages before deciding to buy it.

the cashier rings it up for me, and then i head home.

when i arrive home my phone dings unexpectedly, and i see it's a notification from the dating app, saying someone has matched with me.

i look at his profile before his message and what i see surprises me.

he is gorgeous, to say the least. a mop of brown curls sits on his head and his face has a little bit of scruff on it, not that i mind.

i see he's older than me, but again i don't mind.

the last picture of him makes me laugh, he's sitting in a unicorn pool float while floating in what looks like a bay.

i take the time to admire his gorgeous tattoo of a bird on his right pec, and well, his abs.

i think to myself, why not? and i press his name to see what he sent me.


practice today was tough, coach had us doing all sorts of drills and training for the beginning of the season.

our first game is in a few weeks and as the captain, it's my duty to make sure everyone on the team is ready to be out on the ice.

i wipe the sweat off my forehead with the towel provided and i stand up in the locker room to give a small speech.

it's nothing special, i just remind everyone that we have to work hard, especially the rookies who want to prove themselves to the team.

a few teammates slap me on the back with a chuckle and when i sit down, we all go to casual talking.

i talk to my friend and fellow teammate dimitri, who's locker is right next to mine.

after putting my gear away i get everything that i need so i can head home.

my house is definitely on the bigger side, but i guess that comes into play when you're making nearly eight million dollars a year.

not to be cocky or anything.

but i will admit, it does get a little depressing when i have absolutely nothing to do in my free time besides occasionally playing golf with my buddies.

that's why i got a dating app that is probably the dumbest thing i've ever signed up for.

i'm pretty sure my agent frowned upon it when i told him i was downloading it, and he's probably not wrong for doing so.

i can't trust half the women on here considering the majority would probably only date me to get to my money.

and as i'm scrolling through the app i come across a woman who is absolutely gorgeous, and i can't help but stare at her photo.

she had long, dark wavy hair and bangs that make her blue eyes and pale skin stand out.

her bio makes me chuckle at how blunt and straight to the point it is.

and the more i stare the more i can't help but find myself attracted to her.

so i do what i never thought i would do, and i press the little green check mark at the bottom of my screen to let her know i've matched with her.

it gives me the option to send her a message so i type a small one out and press send.

a few worries plant themselves in my brain but i decide that i'll wait and see what lydia has to say.

i mean, it does say that we have a few shared interests.

a/n- i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter since you get to know conner and lydia a little bit more.

you'll have to wait and see what conner said to lydia tho *cue evil laugh*

hope u enjoyed 😘

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