How they are during labor

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-goes in with so much confidence
-immediately changes his mind after seeing how much pain you're in
-so glad he has two arms, one for each baby :)
-of course will let you hold them first if that's what you would prefer
-sudden rush of dad jokes, I guess it all kicked in once he held his children

-so freaking nervous
-squeezes your hand just as hard as squeeze his
-looks like he's ready to pass out but insists that he's fine, the nurses are very concerned and make him go for a walk
-is so excited to hold the baby
-cried when he heard her cry for the first time
-loves to brush his fingers over her little shock of hair
-gives you a big kiss and tells you how proud he is

-read so many books that he thinks he's prepared but as soon as you walk into the hospital he forgets everything he's learned
-suddenly very nervous
-gets to the point of rambling that you threaten to throw him out and bring in one of the other boys
-so excited to hold his son for the first time
-he has the biggest and brightest smile on his face, somehow manages to get bigger when the little guy takes hold of his finger
-there may have been a few tears

-his nervs turn into anger, the nurses have to kick him out while you get an epidural because he's so god damn protective and won't let them hurt you
-the boys have to calm him down in the hall
-when he gets back into the room he's doing much better, and can't wait to meet his little girl
-holds her so close and admires her little beauty
-immediately in love with his little girl and will do whatever it takes to protect her and make her happy
-already has a pony on the way (jk jk)

-my man is sweating bullets
-asks for something to drink before remembering you aren't allowed anything so he'll suffer with you
-feels so bad seeing you in pain
-thinks you broke his fingers and is kinda shocked at your strength
-wants you to hold the baby first since you're the mom, you have to remind him how he's the dad and has every right to hold the baby too
-nervous he's gonna drop the baby so he sits down on the edge of the bed with you
-kisses your head and tells you how amazing you were and how cute of a baby you made

-great support system
-encourages you the whole time, telling you how amazing you are and how much he loves you
-he does your breathing exercises with you
-doesn't let his nervs show, only admits to them when you guys get home
-nervous to hold his son but is so excited to finally be a dad
-squeals in excitement when he sees that he has your eyes

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