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The mark burned stronger than ever against his wrist and he welcomed the pain. It only signified to him that the decisions he had made with regards to Izzy were correct- that he belonged to her, despite everything that they had endured in such a short space of time.

These thoughts took precedence in his mind as he guided her inside the dark house. There was a clamour of voices from within the kitchen, those he recognised easily, and he made for it while keeping Izzy close to his side by wrapping his tail around her waist. He liked that she came easily, staying so close to him that he could feel the heat from her body vibrate the air between them. She hadn't said anything since he had admitted that she was his first lover, but he didn't think much of it considering how she had shuddered and fallen apart on his cock but moments before.

Around the table within the small kitchen were three other occupants, their added presence serving to make the space feel even more confined. Cassie sat at one end of the table, giggling at something Lou was saying to Caëlhon, who'd clearly arrived to see to things while Kaede was out with Izzy, and he was grateful that the imp had acted timeously.

For all his insouciance, Ty had proven himself a loyal ally and messenger when the twins had needed him the most.

The reason, however, for Lou's unanticipated presence was yet to be deduced, but seeing as she was a close friend of Izzy's, Kaede didn't think twice about her amongst them.

"Izzy!" Lou said with a flourish, bolting to her feet as a huge smile lit up her face, noticing their entrance. "Why did you not tell me his brother was visiting? I would have stayed for much longer!"

But Iz didn't respond to that, and he felt her gaze boring into the side of his face. He turned to look at her, noting the peculiar expression on her countenance, and grinned. Perhaps he had shocked her too thoroughly this evening, with a shattering climax or his words. Or morning, considering they had spent yet another night awake till dawn.

"I asked Caël to tend to things and take care of Cassie while we were... preoccupied," Kaede explained to the precocious woman now standing over his twin with her hands plunked on her hips.

Caël, for his part, didn't quite meet Lou's commandeering gaze. The woman was clearly beautiful and confident, something his brother wouldn't know how to handle considering his quiet stature.

"He brought gifts!" Cassie said, her voice holding an eagerness that Kaede was pleased to note. Even with a bluish welt on her cheek, the girl was showing large amounts of strength and courage at her ability to converse and smile with the others. It was easy to tell that Cassie was of the same blood as his Iz. "Some items from Lady Ravensfield!" she continued, gesturing to the larder and the table before them that was laden with fresh breads, fruits, cheese and preserves.

"Ducal finery at its best," Lou said, popping a sweet morsel between her lips. The manner in which she did so was deliberately sensual as she skewered Kaede's brother with her glistening eyes.

Caël rose to his feet and came around the table to where Kaede stood with Izzy. "I am bidden to inform you that Lady Ravensfield wishes and anticipates your return to the estate," he said, directing his words to Izzy, who still seemed in a state of numb perplexity as she hadn't yet removed her gaze from Kaede's profile. "She wishes to inform you, additionally, that you will always be welcome, of course."

Kaede ushered Izzy into a seat, guiding her gently by placing his hands upon her shoulders. She went willingly, settling into a chair at the table, still silent, still wearing that perplexed expression on her face that he was beginning to find adorable. It was almost as if he could visibly discern the cogs of her mind attempting to latch onto invisible answers, or invisible memories, that were flicking through that incredible brain of hers.

The Beastkeeper's RedemptionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz