Part 2

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After detention, I made my way to health class, and Andrew walked off to Languages.

I was a bit relieved that both he and Nicholas were in the same class, and I could get a break. However, I couldn't let my guard down because I had a class with classic old Zac Frey.

If anything, this boy was a genius. A pure mastermind at heart. I give it to him that he's smart, but that just makes me want to stay away even more, considering he's also one of Andrews's friends.

Health class is one of my most feared classes besides science. But simply because of the way my professor teaches.

He believes in hands-on learning, and so he uses the students to demonstrate his lessons.

All I can do is pray he doesn't pick me.

"Good afternoon, class! Please get out your textbooks. Today, we're learning about the pulse, heart rate, and what BPM is."

*Good God, it can't get any worse than this*

"Also, I'm going to be calling on students I haven't had the chance to participate in our interactive lessons yet to come and help demonstrate. Is that alright?"

*Oh no..*

The class agreed and we started the class. I begged whoever was out there watching me to have mercy for just today.

But I guess they weren't too keen because I ended up being chosen, along with Zac Frey.

"Alright, you two, who would like to go first."

Mr. Princeton was always extremely cheery during his lessons because he found it was fun to let the students interact.

I stepped back, obviously not wanting to go, and Zac looked at me before moving forward.

"I'll go, Mr. P. "

He always spoke so monotonous and melancholy, but he was a very positive and 'happy boy', his attitude just didn't show it.

I think.. there's something else I can sense from him, but I don't know what.

"Ah, good lad you are. Alright! Class, we're going to start with checking the pulse from the neck, them Miss Zhu will help demonstrate how to check the pulse from the wrist."

I fucked up big time. I paused for a second trying to think about how I could get out of this situation.

I couldn't let him roll back my sleeves if it's the last thing i do.

Professor Princeton showed the class how to check for the heart rate on Zac's neck and then had the students pick a partner to check their bpm.

After 10 minutes, everyone had themselves and their partners' heart rates checked and marked them down.

The professor grabbed my hand and pulled me up front because I tried to walk away.

Zac kept looking at me funny, and it was making me uncomfortable.

"Okay, now we're going to check the bpm from the wrist!"

Mr. Princeton went to roll up my sleeve, and I dropped onto the floor, pretending to pass out.

Going to the nurse was better than the hell I'd receive if he found the cuts and bruises that were there.

My sleeve went up a bit as I fell because Mr. Princeton was holding onto it, but since everyone was freaking out, I had hoped that nobody would see it.

Mr. Princeton shouted as he checked my heart rate from my neck and then calmed down when my heartbeat was running steadily.

He saw the bags under my eyes and assumed I had just passed out because I was tired.

"Zac, can you take her up to the nurse's office to rest? I think she may have just been studying too hard for exams coming up."

I felt him pick me up and carry me to the nurse.

"Speaking of exams, you all need to study chapters 3, 4, and 5 for prep."

Professor P. still sounded worried, but he continued with the lesson as Zac took me to the nurse.

We arrived, and he set me down on the bed before pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"I know you're awake. Your eyes have been fluttering for a while now."

I peeked one of my eyes open, and he was looking at me. I sighed and sat up before sitting crisscross on the bed.

"How long did you know?"

"About a minute after you fell. You moved your arm, probably trying to roll down your sleeve a bit."

He looked down at the ground and then back to me.

"Why'd you do it?"

I looked at him a bit surprised and looked towards the floor.

"I dunno. I didn't want to be up there in the front of the class."

He stared at me and furrowed his eyebrows. Smart ass knew I was lying.

"I want 50 dollars."

I shot my head up and shouted.

"50 dollars for what!?"

He looked at me with that stupid expressionless face and kept that damned dull-ass tone as he answered me blatantly.

"Because you made me carry you all the way here when you could've walked by yourself. And for lying to me."

I stared at him in disbelief, and he got up and walked out after a minute. I couldn't even protest.

I drooped down on the bed and decided to sleep. Now I've got two things to deal with.

[After class]

<Bell rings>

I woke up to the loud school bell, and grabbed my bag, which Zac brought back to me, and walked to my cooking class.

This class was one that I also hated.
To be fair, I hate all my classes. So I guess I should say I loathe this class because Andrew's in it.

Him and his stupid boxing friends. I still don't understand how he and Nicholas ended up getting every class together.

I was the first one in class since it was right across the hall from the nurse's office, which was downstairs.

I won't lie, I did kind of feel bad for making Zac walk all the way downstairs to carry me to the nurse.

I placed my backpack on the hooks in the back of the classroom and made my way to my stool, pulling it from under the high table and sitting down.

Just then, Andrew and Nicholas walked in, accompanied by Luca Foster and Vince Young.

*Great, more of his boxing buddies.*

These two were popular with the ladies because of their looks. I don't get it because they're assholes.

Andrew would have girls all over him too, but he's rude and ignores anyone he thinks is irrelevant when they try to talk to him, which is every girl in school.

Nicholas would also be popular with the ladies if he didn't make fun of every girl who walked up to him.

They looked at me and pointed before laughing.

Andrew came up to my table and stood on the other side in front of me.

"I heard a little miss someone ended up in the nurse's office due to lack of sleep. Didn't you take a nap earlier, lazy ass?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

"Fuck off Andrew."

I looked up for a second at Andrew and went back to my phone.

*This idiot*

"Your fly is down. "

He looked at his zipper, and his face turned red. He flipped around and zipped it up quickly while Nicholas laughed at him, Luca and Vince were also smirking, trying not to laugh.

"Whatever, Vivian."

He hung up his backpack and slumped into his stool as everyone else walked in.

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