20|The King's Return

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Eve's POV

Two weeks later

"Aaron!" Belly shouted as she hugged him tightly.

"Ow, ow, not completely healed yet," he groaned as they quickly released from their hug.

"You were supposed to come back since last week. What happened?" Chase asked.

Aaron hesitated. "My mom."

Chase chuckled and Belly punched his arm.

"The whole gang is back together again," Aaron sighed out of relief. "I have single handedly dethroned the king so his followers will not trouble us. A thank you would be nice."

"You're such an idiot, Aaron. Now that you've gotten Haze expelled, his friends are going to hate us even more," Belly said angrily.

Chase shrugged. "His friends haven't done anything to us in the past week so let's hope they keep it up."

"Yeah, but Aaron, the reason why their friend got expelled, is back," Belly argued.

"I don't have the patience with you right now Belly," Chase said as he turned to me. "Why have you been so quiet Eve? You haven't spoken a word since you came here."

"That's because I have nothing to say."

"Oh, come on, you know you want to say something. Don't worry, Haze isn't here. He can't hurt you anymore. We know how much pain he caused you over the years so no one will judge you if you want to talk bad about him."

The thing is I don't have anything to say about him. Well, nothing that they will want to hear.

"I'm okay guys."

Chase raised his eyebrow. "I find it odd that you of all people don't have anything bad to say about Haze. He tormented you the most out of all the student body."

"You're not like secretly in love with him or anything right?" Aaron joked and everyone laughed.

I started laughing strenuously. "Me? You wish. Over my dead body! I don't have an inch of feelings for him."

Aaron let out a sigh of relief. "Phew because I would hate your guts. You can talk bad about him with us whenever you like."

My heart skipped a beat as fear instilled me. However, I retained the smile on my face.

His statement only confirmed my assumptions of the consequences that would happen if they were to find out about my secret with Haze.

"I would rather not talk about him," I said to him my forced smile.

Belly gave me a sad look before rubbing my back.

"Shit the bed!" Aaron shouted.

We all turned to him looking worried.

"What? What's wrong?" Chase asked.

Aaron's hand shook as he pointed his index finger to the direction behind of us.

We turned around and all our eyes widened.

There came Haze and all of his followers closely following behind him as they walked through the entrance.

Aaron's mouth dropped to the floor, and I was quite surprised as well.

My eyes stayed fixed on Haze as he made his way through the hallway. He wore a lazy outfit which consisted of a navy-blue sweatshirt, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers.

His hands idlily relaxed in his pockets while he kept his eyes straight, making sure to ignore all the bewildered looks he was getting.

His facial expression revealed nothing. It was like he gave no care to this world which he probably didn't.

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