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I was on my way to collect y/n from Rehab, yeah..she had a little problem with drugs but I hope she's going okay now.

Once we arrived, I got out of the passenger seat and waited for y/n. Once I saw her I ran over and engulfed her into a hug.

"I missed you so much" I excitedly said, "I missed you too" she hugged me even tighter.

We made our way back to the car and unusually I sat in the back with y/n. We were chatting away as fez drove, I updated her with everything that's been happening and she told me all the drama that was happening over where she was. It was honestly like she had never left.

When we got home, me and y/n went to my room and started watching movies together, "so y/ do you feel?" I asked.

She turned and looked at me and sighed "I feel like a brand new person" she smiled.

Ashtray imagines <3 (Euphoria)Where stories live. Discover now