new friends.(is it enemy?,friend?)

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Qiqi woke up in a big room
With most color is purple,that reminded her of ms.keqing...

"You have woken up huh? petit mort-vivant?(little undead)"
{Note:what do you think of the nickname should i change it?}
A man with a bold cut?is it...,remind qiqi of xingqiu's hair.. Just different color...

"Roi du poison has tasked me to take care of you for today as today is the orentation and rpi du poison is a head dormitory so he must attend,i brought some toy would you like to play with it?,or we can explore this magnifique dorm!,also the name is rook"
He explained

"Qiqi wants to venture..,qiqi can't stay still to long... Qiqi must moves.. Qiqi is zombie.."

"Alright than petit mort-vivant~!"

As than qiqi and rook venture around seeing the dorms

"Rook-senpai!" A boy with a purple hair call out

After awhile they talk and came to conclusion to walk together.venturing the dorms.

"So..,this kid id the one that vil-senpai talk about huh...,well hello than!,the name is epel!"

"Epel!,mind you're language!,so unformal.."the pretty man said

"Ah-!,roi du poison you're here" rook said

"Yes.,my job in the ceremony has already finished..."vil said in a calming yet mad tone

"Whats wrong roi du poison?" Rook ask

"Its just that, two new student just caused a scene in the hall with burning the queen of hearts statue!,so unbelievable..."vil said in pissed tone.

"Huh?,who would be so stupid to that kind of things!"epel said

"Epel..."vil said,as vil says his name epel starts to flinch

"Roi du poison,who would do such a thing to the statue?"Rook ask curiously

"It would happen to be a new kid from the heartslybul and it would be yuu and the cat from last ceremony."vil says with tired tone

"To do such a thing at the great seven statue!,man they are so stupid!"epel said laughing

"Epel..,do you wish to be punish?"vil asked

"Wha-!,no dorm head!,i am sorry!"
Epel says

"Great seven?,is it the archons?,qiqi want know..."

"Ah qiqi you don't know?,the great seven is the great legendary villain!,who is the inspiration of each dorms!"epel said happily

"Who is the queen of hearts..?"

"she was a queen who lived in a garden maze of roses a long time ago. She was strict and prized order over everything else. She wouldn't tolerate even a single rose being the wrong color or one of her card soldiers being a step out of line. She ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not a single subject dared to defy he. "Wanna know why? The punishment for breaking a rule was decapitation!"epel says


"well,than lets go inside epel i still have lot to teach you,you too qiqi you must look presentable as you are a student from poemfire lets go"

As than all of them went inside the building

Note:sorry its short i am still unsure about my series,i am worried there are still imperfect..
Also the next chapter will be in yuu point of side!

Do not be blinded by them.

You should not trust anyone.

Before you will realize it.

They already have your head on the platter.

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