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The two girls who were shouting on Arika till now removed their gaze from her and looked up to Abhimanyu.

They gulped loudly seeing his. He was looking extremely angry, something that they were not used to.

Abhimanyu was a type of person who did not show his emotions very easily. Now, for somebody like him, to show such anger was something the two girls did not expect.

Moreover, they did not expect that he would come down like this for a mere girl.

They thought that they could say stuff to her, why would the king want to tarnish his reputation and come out on being associated with a girl even though he was married.

"What is happening her?" he repeated his question, asking it quite aloud this time.

Arika also turned around to see that Abhimanyu was standing on the staircase, with his hands in his pocket.

It seemed as if he was running an inquiry that time.

"Sir, this girl is here just for her job. I am telling you, she will just get into your bed and use you to get ahead." the girl said slyly hiding the details she said about Abhimanyu trying to get in his good books.

"Is it miss......." he stopped in between as he did not know her name.

"Arora sir, from the marketing department." she smiled faking a polite face.

"Okk miss Arora if you say so." he shrugged his shoulders not really bothered about her name. 

However, her actions were something that sincerely bothered him.

Such type of people working under his name, in his company . If she had the audacity to bully other employees of her own company, god knows how she would be treating the customers.

Especially, when she was from the marketing department, that was something which burst his brain.

"What is this drama going on here. You seem to know a lot around here. Have you been working since a very long time?" Abhimanyu asked not bothering to not show her his pissed face.

The girl was taken aback by his facial expressions. He seemed to be angry.

"No... No sir, I joined just 3 months back" she said in a low voice.

"Just 3 months and so much attitude." he said as his voice and gaze turned extremely cold.

The girl froze at the moment. She had not thought that he would speak to her like that. Her mouth did not even open this time to defend herself.

"So, miss Arora please have a seat. Let's sit down and discuss your precious thoughts together. Come here Arika." he said opening his hands for her and she grabbed onto it getting closer to her.

"Let's listen together what say Arika" he said and hugged her very close to himself.

The girl could only stare at them with his mouth opening awide.

"Sir....... I , I think that you do not know but she is there on your floor. I mean nobody is really allowed to sit there. Maybe, she did not know, I was just trying to make her understand." she fumbled with her words.

Abhimanyu raised one of his eyebrows. He clearly knew that the girl was lying. He had heard each and every word that she had said and now, seeing her lying to him on his face, he could not retain his anger inside him anymore and shouted," Is it. Do you think that I am a fool. Listen Mr. Arora, never try to lie to me off?"

All the colors got wiped off the girls face as she knew that her lie had been caught.

"Si...... Sir ,I..." she fumbled with her words, in an attempt to form a proper statement but failed badly in it.

"Also, what were you saying about getting in bed with me." Abhimanyu was in no mood to excuse anybody who dared to disrespect his wife.

"Sorry sir." she bowed her head down in shame and apologized.

Not only her lie had been caught, she had been brutally humiliated in public, something she was attempting to do to Arika.

"Miss Arora." Arika who was silent till now began speaking up what she had in her mind. No matter how much she tried to ignore things, some stuff were wrong and it was better she takes a firm stand for herself.

She knew that nobody would have a courage to talk like that to her in the office after what happened today but she really needed to make sure that people knew that they could just not barge in others lives and comment as if it was their and they owed them some type of explanation.

"Miss. I do not know you. And you literally were about to pounce upon me for god knows what reason." Arika started , however the girl's head was still bowed down.

She was way to embarrassed to speak a word more.

"Also, I must say that you were really too concerned about his wife." she continued her statements.

"So let me tell you, she does not have a problem with me staying beside him" 

Arika's words got the girl's tail in a twist.

"Sorry?" she could not believe what she just heard. Did the girl just accept that she was in an illegitimate relationship with the boss.

"Also, as far as my position is concerned . I am not really working for your boss. I have my own stuff to deal with, the details of which I do not find you worthy enough to give away."

"Also, when you see that a woman is succeeding in her life, instead of trying to ask her questions like has she slept with the boss, better praise her for the works she do because trust me, Karma is a bitch and it bites back badly." 

"Also, there is already more than half of the world standing against us. Let's just unite together to make us, girls feel good about ourselves and not degrade each other. I am not going to take any actions against you and trust me, neither am I going to let him do that, but I hope that you are sensible enough to know that such mean stuff should never be said." she completed what she wanted to make the girl understand and saw that she was nodding her head fastely apologizing for what she had said.

Arika started to move towards to elevator to get back to her work.

It was enough drama for her for the day.

Abhimanyu saw that the girl looked pretty displeased with what had happened. He could clearly see that she was sorry .

So, he said," I am not going to take any actions towards you. But make sure that that you do not say anything wrong about her, My Wife, My Queen ever again." he said and moved behind Arika catching her due to his fast pace sliding his arms in her waist and pulling her closer .

The girl could just stare at them wide eyed.







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