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HomeModern metropolisLive broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Chapter 34: Osmanthus Cake (<>-in-<>)

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Chapter 34: Osmanthus Cake (1-in-2) (<>/<>)


And most people know in their minds that the most likely choice is the latter.

The Spiritual Wall did go wrong.

Recently, the spiritual wall has begun to become unstable, and weak areas appear from time to time. After many overhauls by personnel, the Federation finally found the problem.

The point is that there is a problem with the spiritual power of the people, the provider of the spiritual wall.

The situation of spiritual power riot is a difficult problem that has been surrounding the hearts of interstellar people for a hundred years. And among them, the ones who are most affected are the veterans who have retired from the battlefield.

While the experience on the battlefield allowed them to accumulate experience and merits, it also brought them indelible damage, excessive use of spiritual power, and Shen Ke brought by blood, which made them immersed in pain from time to time, and most of the people who could become soldiers were people with relatively strong mental power, and the spiritual power they escaped was also an important source of spiritual power barrier.

After this source goes wrong, the mental power barrier is not very stable, but it is still within the acceptable range.

But as the mental power sinks into the ordinary people, the spiritual wall is really seriously traumatized. The unstable spiritual force has caused the spiritual wall to also begin to appear weak areas, if this is the case, then it is necessary to find a way to strengthen the spiritual wall.

As for the method of reinforcement...

Han Qiyuan scolded angrily: "It won't be time for us to strengthen again." His curse was not addressed to anyone, but to this disgusting state of affairs.

That's right, the reinforcement of the spiritual wall by the spiritual power of double S level and above is obvious. Especially Shang Luo of 3S, there was a similar situation back then, and it was Shang Luo who almost exhausted his mental power to stabilize.

This is extremely dangerous and may even lead the user into a state of madness or even death.

This is also one of the factors why he can be elected to the position of marshal later, if it were not for Shang Luo, the capital star of that year would probably have encountered the invasion of the beast tide.

However, because this matter may cause panic among the people, it has not been publicized, otherwise his speech in the eyes of the people would not be so polarized. Fortunately, Shang Luo himself didn't care, so this matter was left on hold for the time being.

Only unexpectedly, this time the same situation appeared again.

They are nothing, but Shang Luo can't, the other party's mental power has been traumatized back then, and he has been recuperating. It is possible to control the mecha, but the spiritual power can only be used sixty percent, otherwise it is easy to cause problems.

"No problem, I've gotten a lot better lately." Shang Luo touched the headphones, and the faint pure music flowing inside made his expression couldn't help but soften.

He can now determine that this music does have a certain effect on the treatment of mental power, and he can feel a slight improvement when he tests the stability of mental power himself recently. If it is really useful, then it may be able to help the soldiers who have retired and been affected by the spiritual riot.

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