Chapter 39 earned 500 million

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MT company headquarters.

  The president of the company, Wang Bohan, was pacing anxiously in the office until a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses opened the door.


  "How is it? Have you contacted someone?" Wang Bohan asked anxiously.

  "No." The middle-aged man is Du Tianqi, the research and development director of MT Company.

  "No, why haven't I contacted you yet." Wang Bohan slapped the table fiercely, "Who the hell is this Ri'an? Who sent him to run our company." "President, I don't think he might want

  to Destroy our company." Du Tianqi said.

  "Isn't that right? His algorithm has been on the Starnet for two days. I just received news that our hostile company has already started to upgrade its products." Wang Bohan said angrily, "Our MT has always been the pioneer of the mimic sensing system , In order to upgrade the sixth-generation mimic sensing system, we have spent a year of research and spent countless manpower and material resources. The cost of the new-generation product that has just been launched just now is tens of billions." "Mr. Wang, please calm down

  . If this person is an engineer of a hostile company, there is absolutely no need for him to post this upgrade algorithm online. He only needs to upgrade the system within his own company and then list it on the federal market. It will not achieve the same effect, so why bother.” Du Tianqi analyzed calmly.

  "Then what do you think...why did he do this?" Wang Bohan also calmed down slowly.

  "I am more inclined that the other party is unintentional." Du Tianqi said, "I have carefully read the information called Ri'an. He was introduced to six years ago. After entering the website, he was active for a period of time and then disappeared. .Six years later, he posted information twice on the website. The first time was a request for help, and the second time, he published the formula algorithm. It is the key algorithm in our company's mimic sensing system. So I suspect that he happened to be researching the mimic sensing system, and then changed the algorithm." "Smoothly

  ? Changed the algorithm?" Wang Bohan couldn't believe what he heard What, "You brought a whole R&D department to study something for a year, and they upgraded it for you in three days? Then what are you, trash?" Du Tianqi's face was ugly when he was scolded, but he couldn't refute it


  "Okay, okay, it's useless to talk about it now, how can you solve it." Wang Bohan asked.

  "The algorithm announced by Ri'an on the Star Network has been acquired by several hostile companies. They will definitely complete the system upgrade in the shortest possible time. At this time, even if we upgrade the system, we cannot completely recover the loss. The only way , is to find a better algorithm and directly upgrade the mimic sensing system to the eighth generation." Du Tianqi said.

  "Does your R&D department have an idea?" Wang Bohan asked.


  "No, what a fart without you."

  "We don't, but Ri'an can." Du Tianqi said, "If my guess just now is true, Ri'an can really be upgraded within three days Our algorithm means that he has an unrivaled talent in this area. If he is in charge, it should not be difficult to upgrade the system again." "Then hurry up and find someone, find a few people to hack the website,

  check Give him his address." Wang Bohan said eagerly.

  "President, don't do it. was founded fifty years ago by three young scientists. Fifty years later, they have become bigwigs in all walks of life. Don't say we can't hack the website, just You can hack, but you don't dare." Du Tianqi hurriedly persuaded.

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