Chapter 131: The Sheds

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Translator: Lonelytree

After Wang Zhimin came to pick up his daily portion, Xiao Lingyu took the bus and left the county town. It was around 8 am when she reached Taoyuan Village.

“Eldest cousin!” Xiao Xiaohui was rushing to school when he bumped into Xiao Lingyu. “You’re back!”

“That’s right!” Xiao Lingyu smiled.

“Eldest cousin, your two friends came over the day before yesterday! They came from the big city and drove a very nice car.” Xiao Xiaohui said, “We got to crawl on the car. It was very fun.”

Xiao Lingyu asked in puzzlement, “My friends from the big city?” But she didn’t have any friends in a big city. She had friends in Xing Yin County, but she only knew them a few days ago. Plus, shouldn’t her friends call when they wanted to come to find her?

Xiao Lingyu frowned, “Xiaohui, did they say which city they came from?”

“City Z!” Xiao Xiaohui answered.

Xiao Lingyu’s heart skipped a beat. The only rich person she knew from City Z was Yan Siming. ‘Did he follow me here?’ Xiao Lingyu forced herself to calm down and asked again, “Xiaohui, where are the two now?”

“They left!” Xiao Xiaohui said, “Eldest cousin, I can’t talk to you anymore. Little Bun and the others are waiting for me. We need to go to school.” Not far away, Little Bun, Little Charcoal, and Little Moon were calling Xiao Xiaohui. “Little Loach, hurry up. If you’re late again, you’ll be punished by the teacher.”

“Okay, I’m coming!” Xiao Xiaohui replied loudly, “Eldest cousin, goodbye!”

“Be careful on the way!” Xiao Lingyu instructed.

“Okay!” Xiao Xiaohui ran to join his friends.

After the kids left, Xiao Lingyu’s heart finally settled down. She walked home.

When she arrived, she noticed the yard door was closed. Xiao Lingyu believed her parents had gone to the fields. It was seeding season. Furthermore, Xiao Lingyu had contracted 17 Mu of land, so everyone was very busy.

Xiao Lingyu took out her eyes, opened the door, and walked to the backyard. She pulled back the plastic flap, and the green shoots greeted her. They looked so cute. The soil was damp. Mother Xiao probably watered them not too long ago. Xiao Lingyu hadn’t grown strawberries before, and her only reliance was the spring water. Thankfully, the spring water was really effective. A single pour and the plant would grow. Xiao Lingyu noticed that even the weeds that grew between the seedlings were so strong.

Xiao Lingyu pulled back the tarp so that the seedlings could enjoy the sun. Then, she pulled out the weeds as she went down the rows. She passed the morning just like that.

At 11 am, Xiao Lingyu went to prepare lunch. She had hired around 30 villagers to help with the shed-building. However, she only needed to feed her family and her fourth uncle’s family. It was Friday, and Xiao Lingyu wondered if her little brother would come home.

When Mother Xiao returned and saw the yard door open and smelled the fragrance, she knew her daughter was home.

“Yu ‘Er, when did you get back?” Mother Xiao asked. She placed the hoe at the corner and went to wash her hands.

Xiao Lingyu was picking through a cabbage. “Mom, you’re home!”

Mother Xiao chuckled. “I didn’t think you’d be back so early, so I already cooked some dishes. Let me handle the rest. You should go and get your dad and third uncle!”

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