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Through the dark alley ways, he ran.

His feets were not in his control, as he skipped through the cement path.

"Stop or I swear to God I will kill you!" he yelled, he was thankful because there were no house.

"Stop following us!" they yelled back, hopping he will stop running.

"I told you all to stop!"


And one of the three fell on the floor as a bullet went through his thighs, the other two stopped for a second to look back at the one who fell on the floor before running again.

"Stop testing my fucking patience!" he yelled again and shot another bullet, it went through one of the remaining two's shoulder.

"hyunseok!" The non harmed on yelled and kneel to the one on the floor.

"Run." hyunseok said, putting a hand on the non harmed one's cheeks.

"I can't leave you here!"

"Who are you all!?" Jay yelled, point his gun at the non harmed guy.

"You don't need to know!"

"Yes, I do! How dare you hurt my hyung, huh?" Jay yelled stepping closer to them.

"We are sorry, OK?"

"That doesn't change the fact of you all hurting my hyung!" Jay's voice echoed on the two's ears.

"We will never do that ever again, please let us go." hyunseok, the injured guy said.

"Tell me who send you guys."

"We can't-"

"Say or I will blow your heads." Jay said putting the gun to the non injured male.

"We were send by no one-"

"Stop lying! Say or I will do it!"

"OK! We will say."

"Then say!"

The two on the ground looked at eachother, "well, run if you want to live." hyunseok said with a smirk and looked at Jay.


Next thing Jay knew was a hard force on the back of his head as his vision started to get blurry and knees got weak.


What have I done?

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