Choose a Lover 2

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Big Latto❤️🐐
I hope you didn't change your number because that would be embarrassing but I am sorry for earlier today. And your set was good but if you aren't leaving Miami tonight I was hoping we could met up. Catch up with each other. I'm staying at the JW Marriott it's downtown.

I am debating if I should go. I'm in my car that I rented just re-reading the text. I was going to leave Miami tonight but I think I can afford to catch another one in the morning.

what room you in lys?

Big Latto❤️🐐
floor 4 room 426, see you soon?


Might as well got nothing else important going on.


As I got closer to the door the more I realized I was actually nervous as hell. I don't know why but I am. 426. Three numbers I really didn't wanna see at the moment but mama ain't raise no punk, and God didn't create no sucka.

Don't go stilling my slang now🤨

Knock Knock Knock

"Who it is?" Lyssa said, such a atl mf

"Me." I said, I heard her running away from the door making me know she was just as nervous as me, if not more.

"Hey." She said once she opened the door

"Hey." Then an akward slience fell over us

"Can I come in?" I questioned with a knowing smirk

"Uhhh, yeah, yeah. You can come in." She said moving to the side

"You gotta nice room." I said

It looks like a damn apartment, from what I can see she got two rooms in this area. She moved on up from being Miss Mulatto

"You want something to eat or drink, I just ordered hella wings." Lys said walking around me making me look at her ass

"I can take some but only."

"Lemon or barbecue I know." She said going to the kitchen and getting a plate

"Hey Y/nn." Brooke said walking up and hugging me

"Wassup kid." I said hugging her making her pout

"I'm not a kid anymore." She said whining

"Not with you whining like that." I said

"She is right." Lys said handing me a plate with wings and I cup

"You can come to my room because alot of people finna come over. I know you don't like big crowds." She said making me nod and follow

"Bye kid." I said calling Brooke that nickname on purpose

"On of these days imma kick you." She said rolling her eyes on her phone

"So." I said once we got in her room

"Look I just wanted to apologize again. I know back then I wasn't trying to leave him but I am. I sent myself to rehab and I'm trying. I know Ty probably got in your head by now but I'm being honest." She said

"I know you are, it's just I thought you would have chosen me. Just by the fact of I've known you longer but I can't blame you my dad had my mama the same way. You know this. I just want you to get better even if I'm not in your life." I said finishing a wing

"I apologize for that night to I didn't have to leave you out there like that." I said

"Yeah it started raining too. I actually did go in to turn him in but they didn't charge him. I felt trapped Janiyah and you weren't there." She said starting to cry making me put my plate and stuff down and hug her

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