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"The Queen is going to join you for dinner."

When he'd sent the invitation to Vannie, he wasn't expecting her to take it—just like she hadn't taken all the previous ones. But as usual, she was proving herself unpredictable, and fuck if that didn't make his heart race in his chest.

Nervous anticipation and agitation filled him as the doors to the dining hall came open, and there she was. She was like a breath of fresh air after months of being stuck in an underground sewage. He didn't know how to not look at her, or how to conduct himself without due preparation.

She was wearing a virginal white gown that set off the warm caramel-gold of her skin and the dark blue of her eyes. Her scent, a vanilla bush after rain, hit him clear from across the room. She took her seat across from him, looking all business. Looking fearless as always. Looking disgracefully beautiful.
At least, she was now getting comfortable in the knowledge that he'd never hurt her again.

Did she like the last gift he sent her? It had taken a while to get a perfumery that could accurately capture her special scent, but he'd found it. What did she do when she found it? He sniffed the air. She wasn't wearing it. So maybe she didn't want it?

She cleared her throat, drawing his attention back to the present. The Omega servers put a plate together for her. He didn't usually eat the kind of delicacy they made today, but a part of him had been hoping she'd join.

Hoping, but not expecting.

With that task done, the servers left the dining hall. Leaving him alone with her.
She cleared her throat again, and he considered calling the Omegas back. If she wasn't comfortable alone in his company, then he didn't want it for her, either.

But she squared her shoulders as if gathering strength from within herself. "I was hoping we'd talk about the sorcerer that tried to abduct me," she said finally.

He didn't understand why she willingly sought out his company today of all days, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in its mouth. "I've dispatched Keepers to trace the scent of the sorcerer. Despite his conceal, we should have him tracked down by the end of the week."

She took a small bite of the steak in front of her. She must not have liked the taste of that, because she pushed it away after one bite and went straight for the fruits.

Sin perked up. She liked fruits, that much was obvious, especially the apples. More apples at the dining table from now on.

"I see," she said. "Thank you."

While Vannie clearly still disliked him, she was trying to socialize. She wanted to know where she stood, he realized. This was a classic case of keeping the enemy closer. He almost smiled. Almost.

"I guess I never thought the sorcerer still being at large would scare you," he said lightly.

Fire came back into her gaze. "Nothing, especially not that vermin, scares me."

Sin bit back a groan of appreciation. There you are, my fucking girl.

"Speaking of which, while I was at Zhode, I was many things. I'm part-fae and part-lupus. I was Rapha because of the Flora in my blood, but I was also a Commander-of-Runes in my Sire's army. I like to think I had so much potential. Don't you think, Alpha?"

He didn't think. He knew. She was an Alpha's daughter, after all, before she became an Alpha's mate. Her barely concealed power had been like an aphrodisiac to him even as he'd destroyed her family and home.

"I know, my Queen."

If the honorific still rankled, she didn't show it. "Then why have you left me caged in your chambers? You already made sure I won't be harming myself. And I didn't plan to after I found out you weren't using my blood anymore, so that spell is useless now."

He nodded. "You want to be able to go out?"

"Yes. I don't want to be locked up forever."

He knew what she was doing. She was testing the limits, seeing how far she could push and what he could condone. She'd probably come to realize later that the length to which he could go to for her was infinite.

Her disapproving tone did something to him. He wanted to offer her pretty apologies wrapped in a bouquet for his oversight. Of course, she'd want to go out. What was he thinking? He would grant her request, even if the very thought of her moving three steps without him by her side filled him with trepidation.

He wanted to do anything for her to remain pleased and sated with him. And yet, that tone made danger and lust flow through his bloodstream.

His daemon purred in the background, getting ready for the challenge.

"What would you have me do for you, my Queen?"

"I want use of the apothecary," she replied.

He was not surprised by the request. His mate was part-fae. That didn't just mean she had the ability to cast spells. She could use magïck to make potions and runes more effective. Couple that with the gift of her blood, and it was only logical that she wanted a home in the apothecary.

"Alaric is the Rapha. He makes use of the apothecary." He said out loud, even as he told Alaric through the pack link to remove his possessions from the premises post-haste and find another destination. What his mate wanted, she got.

Without question.

His words must have been interpreted as a rejection, however, because her eyes narrowed.

With her eyes on him, he let himself imagine that she knew his secret. That she knew that he was putting up arguments just for the sake of it, just to see that fire in her blue eyes spark again. To see what she'd say, what she'd do, if she'd negotiate, if she'd let it drop.

"If you give me what I want, I might eat dinner with you more often."

She negotiated. No mere wolf would sit in front of the King of all beasts, mate or not, and say what she just did to his face. Maybe she was still trying to see how far she could push?

But no, that was not it.

She negotiated because a part of her already knew he was hers, and she, his. Only his would butt heads with him like she did, and always had. Only his would manipulate the situation with what she knew was a scab on his Achilles. Only his would gain his respect with such a blatantly petty move.

He fell in love with her there and then.

Dark Alpha: A Fated Mates NovelWhere stories live. Discover now