Part 39

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Loviatar looms, stepping closer to me.

Too close, too close, too close.

I writhe, but my wrists are bound to the table. Loviatar's tongue licks from my chin to my cheek.

His eyes glitter like he's excited by my predicament. "You and your owner Tarak caused me many problems. Was it Tarak who reported me of suspected pet abuse? It must be. How else would you be here? Then there's your continued interference. I had a buyer ready to purchase my pet for a lot of money, right after her surgery. Now I don't even know where she is. I will find her though. You will not need to worry your pretty pet head about that."

I can no longer see him, but I know he is nearby because I can hear his growls as he paces around me.

He reappears near my feet with a pair of scissors in his hand. "So, you want to be a scourge? Then I will deal with you as a scourge would. Scourges hunt and punish those who cross us."

I thrash and he uses his scissors to shred strips from my pants, part of the uniform that I was given when I accepted my assignment to the Phoenix Borealis. I never thought I would feel so attached to clothing, but tears spill from me with each piece of cloth he rips away. I had so many dreams wrapped up in those simple slacks. I would go to the stars. Discover life on other planets. Be part of a crew.

We should never have left Earth.

I shiver, not from the frigid air hitting my legs, but because Loviatar lifts one of my legs, and his eyes glitter.

He runs a finger along my leg, licking his fangs. "Someone must pay for the lost time and resources."

Should I tell him about my dreams of becoming a field biologist? I need my legs for that.

Deep down, I don't think Loviatar will let me live, but I need to try.

The warnings of the surgeon blare in my mind. Don't speak until I get clearance. Faced with the predicament of dying or losing my legs forever, preserving my voice falls further down the list, so...

"Please, not my legs," I say in a ragged voice, raspy with its disuse.

He pats my thigh and the glint in his eyes is unmistakable. There is a flash of his fangs, and he strikes, plunging his fangs into my thigh and raking them down my leg.

It burns. I can't help myself and I'm crying. I don't want to because Loviatar's pupils are growing larger. The monster enjoys this.

"Cry, pet. When I'm finished, nothing will be left of you, and Tarak will be broken, too. Maybe then he will no longer interfere with me."

He bites into my other thigh, dragging his fangs slowly down my leg, shredding the skin along my thigh, knee, and shin.

He pulls away, his face now inches from mine, blood on his teeth. "Useless human," he says, lapping my tears with his gross tongue.

I hurt and I'm scared but my mind clings to the smaller things. Ava got away. Maybe if she stays hidden long enough and if someone figures out what happened to me, the nasty scourge Loviatar will never be allowed to have a pet again and she'll be okay. So many maybes and what-ifs, but I need something to help keep me afloat.

It's too late for me but my mind goes to who might be left behind. What about Tarak? He'll be upset, and I'm afraid he might blame himself.

I'm sorry, Tarak. If only I could tell him why I did this. Or that I lo–

Loviatar is grabbing my ankle and lifting it in front of his mouth. He gazes at me, the color gone from his eyes.

I can't help thinking about how Tarak looked at me with dark eyes, caressing and appreciating every inch of me. This monster, Loviatar, has that same look, except it's because he wants to tear me into shreds. He licks the tips of his fangs and plunges them into my ankle.

His teeth hurt like hell, and I scream.

Why did I ever go to space?

I'm floating, maybe in space?

No, I'm floating in hell. My leg burns and Loviatar's face hovers too close.

Only now do I realize that I am not going to make it out of here and suddenly, I am overwhelmed with the desire to see Tarak. Just to say goodbye and tell him what was in my heart.

Please let the darkness take me, please let me be at peace, and please, let them know I loved–

In my fevered delusion, I see the beautiful face of my Tarak and the glowing green of the creatures I'd met in the park. I must be dreaming now.

Although I wish with all my heart that this were real, that I would get to at least see Tarak one last time...

Sorry, Tarak. I love you, Tarak.

My eyelids are too heavy, and my eyes fall shut.

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