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Location: Unknown



Serious pain.

I lifted my head and groaned from the weight of it. Bile shot it's way up my throat and it took everything in me to swallow it back down. I tried moving my arms, but rope began cutting into my skin, so I stopped.

Where am I?

The room was dim. Not super dark, but there were some definite shadows being cast here. I could here the dripping of water from one of the pipes overhead. It reminded me of a mission from a year ago, but we were the ones captured instead.

"Gia?" My question echoed through the cavernous space. At least it was bigger than expected. I didn't get a response, but I could hear her breathing behind me. Good. At least I know that she's alive.

This wasn't the first time I've been tied up. Actually, the first time was when I first mouthed off to Madame Cabal. I'm surprised that it took me that long. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for my captors, I knew how to get out of rope fast.

My legs were tied together as well, but I'm going to use that to my advantage. I leaned back and forth, slowly working my way into a rocking motion, then pushed myself forward. I essentially did a cartwheel with the chair, but I landed on my back, crushing my chair with my weight. In doing this, my arms were free and it took me seventy-nine seconds to remove the rope at my ankles.

Now, to find a way out.

Genna wasn't coming out of the fog anytime soon, so I knew I was alone. At least I was the better field operative. I was graced with an idea after wandering over to the boxes on my right.

Climbing the boxes cleared my head. I had to be methodical with my steps seeing as how some were nearly empty and would collapse with out even my full weight on it. With that in mind, I made my way to the top and perched on top of the last box. Even though a few boxes weren't full, most were and my weight was held.

From here, I could see we were in a warehouse. Not one owned by the Cabals, but definitely by someone who has money. It could hold at least three football fields. All exits were blocked off by crates, heavy machinery, or both. The only way out was to shimmy along the pipes.

I looked back down at Ivy, who still hadn't moved, and was confused. The crash of my chair didn't bring any armed or even unarmed guards to our location. Whispers couldn't be heard and shadows didn't move.

We were... alone?

I chose to ignore the perplexities of this mess and focused on what I could control. Right now, Genevra was knocked out (chloroform has a nasty way of putting her to sleep; sometimes, for days) and the nearest exit to us was across two barricades and past a forklift.

Piece of cake.

I descended my box tower and untied Sleeping Beauty. Slinging her over my shoulder, I headed off to the first barricade. It was a steel wall that went as high as my box tower from earlier. So, about forty feet high. There were no grooves in the wall for me to latch onto and I wouldn't be able to support Genny without falling halfway up. Frick.

I set my friend, who had taken on the qualities of a rag doll, onto the ground and began to search through the crates nearby for a climbing apparatus. After I opened the fifteenth one, I sighed in relief at the sight of the climbing gear. That was when I heard it.

Laughter came from the area we just left. Two men. Both who were about to notice that we were gone in three, two, one...

"I thought you tied them up," one bellowed. The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't have time to place it.

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