FYI: This Is The Prologue

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I fell in love with you, knowing that all odds were stacked against us

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I fell in love with you, knowing that all odds were stacked against us.

The feelings that we blossomed, were viewed more like the thorn on a rose stem, than the actual flower itself. To everyone around us, our relationship was hideous and dangerous. But to me, it was something beautiful. Something natural.

They said we were disgracing the Moon Goddess, in a last ditch effort to try and separate us. They taunted us with threats on how we'd be dealt eternal suffering in the afterlife for refusing Her gift. Mates weren't a blessing though. I never saw them as such, and probably never would.

Our lovers were predetermined before our initial breaths. Our souls entwined with those we have yet to come face to face with. Destinies interlocked with complete strangers, who we were expected to adore unconditionally at first glance. And if you vocalized any form of displeasure towards Her choice, you were outcasted or even demoted to a rogue. How was this something to rejoice about? It sounded suffocating and forced, and much like an arranged marriage.

I wanted to experience love in its most authentic form. Without any outside factors, such as the mate bond. With you, Seth, it was exactly like that. I was free to make a decision. But whenever it came to you, there was no need to choose. I'd always pick you. Always.

-Milan Beckham

My feet drag effortlessly along the floor, as Seth maneuvers us through the endless horde of sweaty bodies

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My feet drag effortlessly along the floor, as Seth maneuvers us through the endless horde of sweaty bodies. The whispers of meaningless gossip aimed to degrade us, only growing louder the deeper we push through the hallway. The judgement and objection swirling in their dark eyes, irks me further. These were irises once bright with admiration, but now they were blackened with disapproval.

People I had called my friends, now nothing more than a constant reminder that no one can truly be trusted. It seems the line between ally and enemy is non-existent, because everyone was collectively out to get Milan Beckham.

The worst students, being those who acted like they sympathized with us. No matter how concerned they had tried to make themselves look, the mock facade was obvious. They couldn't pity someone who deliberately went against our code of conduct. The rules of the game pounded into our heads since we could think. 'Don't fall in love with anyone who isn't your mate.' And yet here I was, walking hand in hand, with a male who wasn't meant to be mine.

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