FYI: Swearing Off Men Is Like Swearing Of Stress

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I was never a naturally violent person

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I was never a naturally violent person.

Since a young age I was taught to bottle up the ugly emotions like hostility and rage. I'm to be petite and happy at all times, because that was the feminine way. The she-wolf way.

Due to my status amongst the pack, that expectation was more strict. Being an alpha's daughter meant I had to maintain a respectable image. So whereas my brothers were given a pass anytime they lashed out, I was scolded.

Yet every so often, when I allow myself to feel anything that's negative, it consumes me. In suffocating waves, it swallows every ounce of my being, and I allow it to. I let myself drown in this animosity and fury, just because I'm addicted to the thrill it brings.

Like a forbidden fruit dangling from a sacred tree. Begging to be plucked and tasted. Fuck, I just wanted one taste. Just one bite.

And like that, I would find myself indulging in the sour nectar of anger. The addicting flavor of hatred. The sweet mixture of loathing and vengeance.

And Goddess, did I love it.

-Milan Beckham

I swing the metal bat with unrelenting force, smashing a glass vase of freshly trimmed roses

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I swing the metal bat with unrelenting force, smashing a glass vase of freshly trimmed roses. The shards spill onto the polished tile, carrying the loud echo of the shattering material down the hall. Now that my presence was known, the fun could begin.

"Mills what the fuck are you doing?" Seth pops his head out from his room, the lingering scent of expensively-made perfume still embedded into his shirtless torso. The smell of this other she-wolf fuels the spiking temperature in my blood, further instigating a twitch in my arm. I pull the bat back over my shoulder, angling it just right before thrusting it forward. The silver barrel rams into the dark screen of the TV, leaving a noticeably large crack in it's wake. "MILLS!"

Seth charges for me, but stops instantly when I point the end cap of the bat in his direction. "Take another step, I dare you." My eyes hold his, challenging him to come even the slightest bit closer. He's hesitant, but remains motionless. After a few minutes of undisturbed silence, I shoot him an innocent smile. "Now, I want you to tell me who the other woman is, before I lodge this bat so far up your ass that you'll be tasting aluminum on the tip of your tongue."

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