chapter five

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     𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Emily didn't sleep at all after last nights events. After running from the QZ Joel and Tess found an abandoned place which they decided to spend the night.

The adults was still very spectacle with Ellie, they didn't trust her. Which is why they made Emily stay away from her whilst they went to sleep. Emily was closer to the adults than Ellie was, although there wasn't much difference between the girls, probably only a couple feet however it was enough so that the adults would see something up with Ellie before she got to Emily.

Joel and Tess decided to stay awake whilst the girls rested, so they could keep watch. Emily just turned over and didn't move, trying to make the adults think she was asleep. She had got bored half way through the night though so she had pulled out her giraffe called Magic and quietly played with it as she waited for dawn.

As soon as the young girl spotted light shining through she decided she had "slept" long enough and it was morning now.

She slowly sat up, patting down her hair that had messed up overnight before pulling her jacket back over her. "You alright kid?" Tess asked. Emily quickly turned her head, seeing both Joel and Tess both looking at her.

"Can I be by Ellie now?" She asked, still annoyed at the fact they separated them.

"No, not until she's awake." Tess replied, Joel just stared at Ellie not taking his eye of her in case anything were to happen.

"She's my sister. She isn't going to hurt me!" Emily huffed. Why didn't the adults understand? Ellie would never hurt me.

"You're staying there until she wakes up." Tess demanded, ending the debate among the two. Emily sighed in defeat as she played with her giraffe again, getting fed up of the adults.

The overgrown grass and moss on the floor sparked the six year olds imagination, she imagined long fields filled with long grass that swayed in the wind. She imagined running through the grass as the sun reflected in her eyes. She imagined her giraffe there but he wasn't a broken old toy anymore, he was real. He was tall and full of colour, he was gentle and carefree. Emily imagined running to the animal and hugging one of its four very long legs, then seeing Ellie, Joel and Tess stood watching her with wide smiles. They was different though, Emily noticed the life in their eyes, the clean bright clothes they wore. The little girl would look down at her clothes and realise that she wasn't in dark, dirty, broken clothes anymore she was in a beautiful white summer dress with little pink flowers on. Ellie would run to the girl and lift her before spinning around and falling into the long bright grass, both of them landing on their backs staring at the sun. She imagined-

"Morning." A voice called breaking Emily's thoughts.

The girl looked up to see her sister was now awake and sat up, making her quickly go over to her and pull her into a hug whilst giving Tess a death stare. "Good morning baby, did you sleep okay?" Ellie asked, worried that the girl had a nightmare that she didn't hear in the night.

Emily replied with a quick nod, not wanting to tell the truth that she had been up all night. "Are you okay?" Emily asked looking down at Ellies arm where the bite was. It was confusing to her how Ellie had gotten bitten but she was still okay, why didn't that happen to Riley? Why did Riley have to die from it but not Ellie? She was glad her sister was okay, just very confused.

"I'm okay." Ellie replied.

Ellie moved forward, slightly moving Emily so she could reach for her bag. Which only made Joel point his gun at her, warning her.

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