14|Attempted Murder

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Elianna's POV

I looked on the time on the clock once again. I lost count of the number of times I did so.

I stayed up the whole night. I couldn't sleep. Whether it was because of nerves or regret.

He left right after he told me those words last night.

He never came back.

He was here. I knew he was.

All his cars were parked in the same spot.

The clock struck eight-o'clock and I ran to the door. My baby brother's life was on the line.

I knocked on the door.

"Luca!" I shouted. "I know you're out there! Let me out!"


"Please," I cried. "He is going to kill Haze! I need to talk to him!"


"Please," I begged. "I know I'm asking a lot but please. This is my baby brother. I would rather die before he does."

The door clicked and I stepped away.

I slowly turned the handle and it unlocked.

Luca looked straight in front of him before closing the door.

I quickly hugged him before running down the hallway.

I checked the whole of upstairs and he wasn't there.

I ran downstairs and saw him working on that stupid car outside.

"Mrs. Mariano!" I heard and I jumped. I looked back and it was Ms. Rossi. "Why do you look so frightened?"

"Did Enzo bring anybody here? Like a tall, dark haired, grumpy teenage boy?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "No dear, what's wrong?"

I relaxed a bit.

"I was just about to make Mr. Mariano's breakfast. Why don't you help? I won't tell him you did."

The sesame extract!


She smiled. "Happy to cook your husband's breakfast? Now that is a good wife!"

I walked to the kitchen and I kept my eyes on the cupboard the extract was.

The only problem I had was Ms. Rossi. She wouldn't move from in front the shove.

"Go get the eggs, dear," she ordered me and I got them.

"Do you guys have any basil?" I asked.

"Basil?" She asked back and I nodded. "I do but I would have to pick it from the garden. Why?"

"I always say you can't eat a meal without basil."

She laughed. "You are right. Why don't you make the eggs until I come back?"

I nodded my head with an innocent smile.

Once she left, I ran to the cupboard and grabbed the extract.

I cracked the egg and quickly mixed the extract into it. I rushed to put back the it before pouring the egg into the hot frying pan.

"Got them!" She shouted as she proudly held the basil in the air.

I faked a smile as my heart heated fast.

Her eyes widened and I feared I'd been caught.

"What's-what's wrong?" I stuttered.

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